How to Teach Coping Strategies in Spanish
Coping strategies in Spanish are “Estrategias de afrontamiento”. This week, as I was preparing to have a coping strategies talk with one of my daughters who was having a rough
Coping strategies in Spanish are “Estrategias de afrontamiento”. This week, as I was preparing to have a coping strategies talk with one of my daughters who was having a rough
Learn the vocabulary and common phrasing for the Neurological exam in Spanish! This lesson covers common questions, information and commands for the neurological exam in Spanish. We cover 7 aspects
It’s easy to confuse the verbs Touch (tocar) and Take (tomar) in your medical Spanish clinical conversations… but it’s also a quick fix. The problem is that tocar with that
This Medical Spanish lesson focuses on explaining some common complications of diabetes in Spanish. Do you ever find yourself trying to explain what might happen if your diabetic patients don’t
How to take a Family Medical History in Spanish with a few simple verbs, family relationship vocabulary and common family medical conditions vocabulary in Spanish. You can get a meaningful
Diabetes is obviously a common topic in the clinic, but how do your conversations go in Spanish? Do you ever wonder what is the best way to say things like
4 Practical ways to study medical Spanish and keep your Spanish proficiency moving forward between classes: Finishing up your medical Spanish class is always met with mixed emotions. You’re happy with the progress
Short video lessons to help you with your medical Spanish Medical Spanish Quick Tip #1: Using SER with professions in Spanish… When describing your profession or talking about any profession
This Medical Spanish lesson focuses on talking through the different signs and symptoms in Spanish your patient could have when they see you in the clinic. In this lesson you
OPQRST is a great acronym for understanding the history of the problem – but it requires some special vocabulary and grammar to take an HPI in Spanish. Learn how
Winter 2022 Spanish Immersion in Costa Rica: We’re back on Spanish immersion in Costa Rica this winter with a wonderful group of travelers. There are a handful of working professionals
This free Medical Spanish lesson focuses on discussing back pain in Spanish: el dolor de espalda. In this lesson I teach on Here is the Medical Spanish back pain lesson I
In today’s Medical Spanish lesson, you will learn how to talk through the physical exam in Spanish. Specifically, you’ll learn how to: Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to see all
Screening for depression and anxiety with the PHQ-9 and GAD-7 in Spanish. Do you ever use the PHQ-9 or GAD-7 to screen your patients for depression and anxiety? If you
If you’re like most of my students, you probably get the idea when you hear “dolor” and “duele”; your patients are referring to pain. But are you confident you can
This medical Spanish lesson focuses on talking through the Head Eyes Ears Nose & Throat exam in Spanish, also known as HEENT in Spanish. We use the command tense (imperative)
How to Describe Cold & Flu Symptoms in Spanish When it’s cold and flu season you have tons of repetitive conversations with your patients about their cold and flu symptoms
Spanish Numbers in the clinic: Video Viernes Medical Spanish Lesson Numbers are tricky in Spanish, but not impossible. Part of challenge with numbers is listening comprehension – understanding personal information
Learn how to explain high blood pressure and have hypertension conversations in Spanish: Presión alta e hipertensión. Here is the High Blood Pressure and Hypertension conversations in Spanish that I
For this week’s topic: Prenatal Education Review in Spanish, I thought I’d share some activities, vocabulary, and simple instructions that a group of OB/GYN residents came up with during our
This Medical Spanish lesson focuses on 20 Medical Spanish Word Associations that make it easier to remember and use them with your Spanish speaking patients. Here is the 20 Medical
This blog post will help you learn and distinguish the names of medical professions and their related specialties in Spanish. Ever wonder what’s the difference between Yo soy enfermero vs.
Summer 2021 Adult Spanish Immersion trip in Costa Rica: We all know that Spanish immersion is the best way for adults to learn Spanish. It’s intensive and the nature of
Learn how to describe the diabetic diet in Spanish. The diabetic diet basically consists of: Here is the lesson I taught to our Facebook Group and YouTube audience: Learn the
The heart healthy diet guides patients on what to eat and what to avoid in order limit heart disease and cardiovascular disease. In today’s lesson, you will learn how to
Exercise and physical activity are an essential component of any diet and lifestyle conversation with patients. So how do you discuss physical activity in Spanish? In this medical Spanish lesson,
This video viernes lesson teaches you some simple structures in Spanish to give suggestions for healthy cooking and healthy eating in Spanish. In this medical Spanish lesson, you will learn:
My Plate in Spanish is “Mi Plato”, and in this lesson you will learn the different food groups in Spanish and vocabulary for example foods within each category. Additionally, we
The 5 2 1 0 diet summarizes guidelines for quantities of fruits and vegetables and the amounts of screen time, physical activity and sugary drinks that are recommended for a
Welcome to the Diet and Exercise in Spanish series! In this 5-lesson series of medical Spanish lessons, you’ll learn: Tell us what you want to learn! Comment below on this
In this medical Spanish lesson you’ll learn 7 great questions to give you insight into how closely your patients are adhering to their treatment plan. For each question, we also
In this lesson, you will learn how to talk about possible side effects of the medications your patients are taking and what to do if they experience those side effects.
An exciting message from Leslie & Rory about summer 2021 Spanish Immersion programs in Costa Rica: 4 Adult Spanish immersion programs in Costa Rica this summer Program Dates 1wk Spanish
This is lesson 4 in our series of Medications and dosing instructions in Spanish. In this lesson, you will learn how to put these common medication verbs into the USTED
In this free medical Spanish video viernes lesson, you’ll learn how to give clear medication instructions in Spanish. You’ll learn common forms of medications (pills, tablets, creams, injections, etc) and
In this week’s medical Spanish lesson, you’ll learn the names of various classes of medication. You will also learn common verbs that describe what medications do. Additionally, we look at
Here is how you can form simple medication instructions in Spanish: Starter phrase Medication use Medication form Timing phrase Hay que…Tiene que…Necesita…Es importante…Debe…Puede…Favor de… AplicarDarleDarseInyectarleInyectarsePonerTomarUsar El inhaladorEl jarabeEl medicamentoEl parcheLa
In today’s lesson you’ll learn how to talk about weight management in Spanish. This is lesson 5/5 of our well visit / routine visit series – thank you so much
This is lesson 4/5 in our Spanish Well Visits series. Well Woman visits and gynecologic exams review all sorts of topics, but in this lesson we focus on: Here is
In today’s video viernes lesson, you will learn how to talk about cancer screenings in Spanish. Specifically, here is what today’s lesson covers: Additionally, there are some conversational practice ideas
Lesson 2 in our routine well visit series is all about blood pressure management in Spanish. In this lesson we’ll cover: Here is the lesson you requested on hypertension and
The most requested topic for our series of Routine & Well Visits in Spanish is how to talk about different lab tests and lab results in Spanish. In this lesson
Thank you for taking the Medical Spanish Well Visit survey over the last couple of weeks! Here are the results and the topics that we will cover over the next
ADD in Spanish is “TDA: el trastorno de déficit de atención” and ADHD is “TDAH: el trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad”. In this post you’ll learn how to
PTSD in Spanish PTSD is lesson 4 in our 5-lesson series on discussing mental health in Spanish. If you missed the previous lessons, be sure to check out the lessons
In today’s lesson, we’re addressing topic #3 from the mental health survey that our community members asked to learn about: addiction & substance abuse in Spanish. Here is the Discussing
This is Lesson 2 of 5 in our Mental Health in Spanish series. In this free Medical Spanish lesson, you will learn how to talk about anxiety in Spanish with
This is Lesson 1 of 5 in our Mental Health in Spanish series. In this free Medical Spanish lesson you will learn how to talk about depression with your patients
In this free Medical Spanish lesson, you will learn how to give clinical recommendations in Spanish and how to start using the subjunctive: Cómo dar recomendaciones clínicas en español y
In this free Medical Spanish lesson you will learn how to talk about upper respiratory infections in Spanish: Infecciones de las vías respiratorias superiores. We will be talking about: Here