How to talk through Well Woman Visits in Spanish | Free Lesson

Well Woman Visits in Spanish

Well Woman Visits in Spanish

This is lesson 4/5 in our Spanish Well Visits series. Well Woman visits and gynecologic exams review all sorts of topics, but in this lesson we focus on:

  • Spanish vocabulary to talk about: anatomy, symptoms, periods, pregnancies, sexual activity & sexually transmitted diseases / infections.
  • Questions to talk about periods
  • Questions to talk about sexual activity
  • Questions about pregnancies
  • Questions about mental health

Here is the video lesson:

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Vocabulario general – General Vocabulary

Vocabulario de anatomía – Anatomy Vocabulary

  • El cuello uterino, el cérvix, la boca de matriz – Cervix
  • El útero – Uterus, womb
  • Las trompas de Falopio – Fallopian tubes
  • La vagina – Vagina
  • La vulva – Vulva
  • Los órganos reproductivos – Reproductive organs
  • Los ovarios – Ovaries
  • Los senos / las mamas – Breasts

Vocabulario de Enfermedades (infecciones) de transmisión sexual – STI & STD Vocabulary

  • Clamidia – Chlamydia
  • Gonorrea – Gonorrhea
  • Hepatitis – Hepatitis
  • Herpes – Herpes
  • Sífilis – Syphilis
  • Tricomoniasis – Trichomoniasis
  • Verrugas genitales – Genital warts
  • VIH (Virus Inmunodeficiencia Humano) – HIV
  • VPH (Virus Papiloma Humano) – HPV

Vocabulario de exámenes – Tests Vocabulary

  • Examen de los senos (las mamas) – Breast exam
  • Examen pélvico – Pelvic exam
  • Mamografía – Mammography
  • Prueba de detección – Screening test
  • Prueba de Papanicolaou – Pap smear

Vocabulario de síntomas – Symptoms Vocabulary

  • Dolor inusual – Unusual pain
  • Dolor pélvico – Pelvic pain
  • Flujo vaginal – Vaginal discharge
  • Olor vaginal – Vaginal odor
  • Picazón – itching

Períodos, Sangrado: Period, Bleeding

  • abundante – abundant
  • doloroso – painful
  • irregular – irregular

Otro Vocabulario – Another Vocabulary

  • Aborto natural, espontáneo, no provocado – Miscarriage
  • Aborto (provocado) – Induced abortion
  • Antecedentes familiares – Family history
  • Anticonceptivos / contracepción – Contraceptives, contraception
  • Control ginecológico – Gynaecological control
  • La pareja – Partner
  • Historia clínica – Medical history
  • Historia sexual – Sexual history
  • La regla / el periodo (menstrual) – menstrual period
  • Protegerse (usar protección) – To use protection
  • Relaciones saludables – Healthy relationships
  • Salud emocional – Emotional health
  • Sangrado – Bleeding
  • Tener relaciones sexuales / ser activa sexualmente – To have intercourse
  • Vacuna contra VPH – HPV Vaccine
  • Visita de control de mujer sana – A well woman visit

Preguntas que quizás necesites hacer – Questions You May Want to Ask

Credits: Gustavo Fring

Preguntas sobre los periodos – Questions About Menstrual Periods

  • ¿Cuándo tuviste el último periodo menstrual? / When do you have your last period?
  • ¿Con qué frecuencia tiene los periodos menstruales? / How often do you have your menstrual periods?
  • ¿Alguna vez sangra o mancha entre periodos menstruales? / Do you ever have spotting or bleeding between periods?
  • ¿Tiene algún dolor inusual, picazón, o flujo vaginal de la vagina o la vulva? / Do you have any unusual pain, itching, or vaginal discharge?

Preguntas sobre la actividad sexual – Questions About Sexual Activity

  • ¿Lleva una vida sexual activa? / Are you sexually active?
  • ¿Tiene relaciones (sexo) con: hombres, mujeres, o con ambos? / Do you have sex with men, women, or both?
  • ¿Alguna vez las relaciones (sexo) han sido dolorosos? / Has sex ever been painful?
  • ¿Tiene sangrado durante relaciones? Do you have bleeding during sex?
  • ¿Usa contracepción? ¿Qué tipo? / Do you use birth control? What type?
  • ¿Qué hace para prevenir las ETS / ITS (enfermedades / infecciones de transmisión sexual)? / What do you do to prevent STD / STI?
  • ¿Alguna vez se ha hecho una prueba para detectar las ETS? (clamidia, herpes, VIH, VPH) / Have you ever done a STD screening test?

Preguntas sobre el embarazo – Questions About Pregnancy

  • ¿Piensa que puede estar embarazada? / Do you think you could be pregnant?
  • ¿Quiere quedarse embarazada? / Would you like to be pregnant?
  • ¿Cuántas veces ha estado embarazada? / How many times have you been pregnant?
  • ¿Cuántos hijos tiene? / How many children do you have?
  • ¿Ha tenido algún aborto (provocado o espontáneo)? / Have you ever had any induced abortion or a miscarriage?

Preguntas sobre la salud mental – Questions About Mental Health

  • ¿Se siente segura en casa (con su pareja)? / Do you feel safe at home (with your partner)?
  • ¿Siente que lleva una relación sana con su pareja? / Do you feel you have a healthy relationship with your partner?
  • ¿Le preocupa algo sobre su relación con su pareja? / Is anything concerning / worrying you about your relationship with your partner?
  • ¿Se siente triste o deprimida? / Are you feeling sad or depressed?
  • ¿Se siente ansiosa? / Are you feeling anxious?
  • ¿Le preocupa algo en específico? / Anything specific concerns you?

¡Gracias POR compartir su aventura de español conmigo!

Su tarea – Your Homework

  1. Review the notes & vocabulary
  2. Identify additional points and topics to discuss with patients
    • Let me know if you need help 🙂
  3. Remember to keep it simple if you need to
  4. Ask for help in the comments below
  5. Give it a try with your patients!

Practice Vocabulary from the lesson here with these pre-made Quizlet flashcards:

I packaged all of this into easily downloadable .pdf notes–Get your copy for free today!

Download the lesson notes and start creating your own sentences using this new vocabulary in Spanish and share them on the comments below to receive feedback from other Spanish learners ðŸ™‚

Keep up the good work speaking responsible Spanish to your patients! Check out our other books, classes & products to help you learn medical Spanish!

*If the link isn’t working for you, you may need to unblock pop-ups in your browser settings

Other posts in this Well Visit series:

Other posts in the women’s health series:

3 thoughts on “Well Woman Visits in Spanish”

  1. Thank you so very much. Your videos and the follow along with the downloadable pdf’s have helped me a lot. Thank you because you use all instructional modalities (hearing, seeing it, sensory, etc.,).

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