Learn Spanish for specific purposes with our professional classes
CGI offers these professional Spanish classes in a customized group class format and in the 1:1 format. If you prefer individual learning, we offer private classes in a 1:1 format online.
Spanish for Healthcare workers

Why learn medical Spanish?
Apart from the fact that it makes a huge difference in the lives of your Spanish only patients when you can connect with them in their language (even if you only know basic medical Spanish phrases), there are several other reasons to learn medical Spanish in Colorado (and across the USA):
You can physically see the sighs of relief when you use your medical Spanish with patients to establish a positive rapport and understand their situation. You have more confidence and insight on patient conversations when you’re using your clinic or hospital interpreters when you know some basic medical Spanish and common medical Spanish phrases for high frequency ideas that you need to communicate. Many nursing jobs prefer candidates with some level of bilingualism, and most nursing schools (in Colorado at least) don’t have space in their schedules to provide medical Spanish courses. Common Ground’s Spanish teachers are extremely engaging and fun to learn medical Spanish with. Our classes are low-stress and high-impact.
A few quick notes about our Medical Spanish classes:
- These classes are more than medical terminology courses. We teach your how to communicate in Spanish with your Spanish-only patients.
- Most employers are reimbursing course tuition for these medical Spanish classes – don’t forget to ask your supervisor or employer!
- A certificate of completion will be issued to every student who attends at least 75% of the class meetings
- Nursing CEU credits are included at no additional cost!
Spanish for Teachers

Spanish for Educators: Help your LEP Students succeed!
Spanish for Educators provides some basic, yet specific Spanish skills to help you manage your classroom and give clear direction to your limited English students, you can help make their transition into an English speaking classroom much more achievable.
Year after year we have more Spanish only students in our schools working hard to fit in with their classmates and succeed in school. The goal of our Spanish for Educators classes is to help educators communicate effectively in Spanish with students and parents who are not yet fluent in English. Whether you choose to provide Spanish for Educators training during your School District’s Summer Teacher Trainings, on teacher workshop days, Summer Spanish Immersion programs in Costa Rica, or at another convenient time in the year, we will customize these Spanish for Educators classes to fit the unique needs of your school.
Like all of Common Ground International’s Spanish classes, these class are dynamic, conversational, and provide you with practical Spanish skills to help you manage typical classroom situations.
The Beginning 1 & Beginning 2 Spanish for Educators course helps you:
- Communicate classroom rules and behavior expectations
- Express curriculum objectives to students and their parents
- Learn Spanish vocabulary for the classroom (classroom objects, etc.).
- Explain student schedules, classroom subjects and times
- Report incidents to parents
- Make phone calls home
- Discuss evaluations and assessments with parents
- Negotiate Parent-Teacher conferences
- Learn Latino cultural norms and its views on education
Amazing Spanish Immersion Programs for Adults
Click on the topic below to learn Spanish grammar and verbs:
Of course if you’re interested in online Spanish tutoring or Spanish Immersion Programs in Costa Rica, we’d be happy to help you. Contact us with any questions or if you need help with something!
Hola, mi nombre es Marta Sánchez, vivo en Tulsa, Oklahoma, soy española y trabajo como maestra en un colegio. Me encantaría colaborar con vosotros.
Un saludo,
Hola Marta, reciba un saludo cordial. Seguro que hay muchas oportunidades para colaboración favor de contactar a nosotros y podemos continuar el diálogo. Saludos, Rory