Medical Spanish Crash Course - Successfully Registered

Medical Spanish Crash Course – Successfully Registered

“Fist bump” … You’re Officially Registered!

We have some time until the next Crash Course, but here are steps you can begin to take:

Step 1: Bookmark this link to the Medical Spanish Crash Course. No worries if you see a price tag on that crash course course page, it’s 100% free for you because you registered for it!

3 Next Steps…

Step 1: Mark Your Calendar

L1: 8/23/24 online & 8/26/24 (live)

L2: 8/26/24 online & 8/29/24 (live)

L3: 8/30/24 online

Step 2: Check Your Email

Make sure emails from Common Ground International are in your inbox. If you have not received a confirmation email, check your other email folders for a message from Rory Foster: [email protected]

Step 3a: Join the Facebook Group

Meet others who share your same Medical Spanish learning Goals.

Step 3b: Take the Crash Course Survey

Help us understand your biggest Medical Spanish needs on this survey.

Detailed schedule:

  • 1st Lesson Opens: Friday, Aug 23, 2024 (online – complete on your own time)
  • 1st Live Practice Session: Monday, Aug 26, 2024 (Zoom practice session: 7p Mountain Time)
  • 2nd Lesson Opens: Monday, Aug 26, 2024 (online – complete on your own time)
  • 2nd Live Practice Session: Thursday Aug 29, 2024 (Zoom practice session: 7p Mountain Time)
  • 3rd Lesson Opens: Thursday, Aug 29, 2024 (online – complete on your own time)

Meet Your Medical Spanish Teachers:




While you’re waiting for the next Crash Course, maybe one of these medical Spanish courses can help you meet your medical Spanish goals:

Medical Spanish Books to support your self-study:

Final Step: Comment below…

  • Why are you registered for this crash course?
  • What do you want to work on and improve with your Medical Spanish?

245 thoughts on “Medical Spanish Crash Course – Successfully Registered”

  1. I am registering and to start TODAY. I didnt know about this until a couple of days ago.
    40% latino population where I live. I am inpatient PT and NEED THIS
    Thank you

    1. Alexandra MacPhee

      ¡Excelente Jill! So glad you discovered the course and we look forward to seeing you in the live classes. Sounds like you will certainly be able to serve your population better!

  2. I’m a pharmacist at a health department and we also do patient assistance for the uninsured. We have lots of patients that can only speak Spanish and knowing a little bit of Spanish has already been very helpful.

    1. Alexandra MacPhee

      ¡Hola! I’m one of CGI’s teachers. We are excited to have you join us for this Medical Spanish Crash Course! ¡Nos vemos en la clase!

  3. Looking forward to the class. I am a physical therapist working with neurological patients, many of whom have Spanish as their primary language.

  4. My name is Paul Owens, I am a Cardiologist and volunteer in a Free Clinic on Fridays and most of our patients are Spanish-speaking. We have translators but sometimes I wonder what they are talking about when they speak to the patient in Spanish. Also, I think that if I am able to speak directly to patients in their native language, I will gain their trust, which will facilitate a more cooperative relationship.

    1. ¡Hola, Paul!
      We believe that speaking the same language is showing another level of commitment with your patients.
      We are here to help you!
      ¡Nos vemos pronto!

  5. Preetpaul Bajwa

    Many patients and their families only speak Spanish so I am excited that now I will be able to communicate better with them. When does the course start?

    1. ¡Hola Preetpaul! We are excited too!
      Crash Course starts on February, 16th. Please check your spam e-mail just in case our mails are going there.
      ¡Nos vemos pronto!

  6. Cecilia Ramirez

    Curious about this crash course. I am a RN and able to have conversation with patients but need help with medical terms. Want to provide the correct education to my patients with confidence.

    1. ¡Hola, Jill!
      The first step is wanting to get better communication. The second step is register, then… ¡vas por buen camino! 😊
      ¡Nos vemos pronto!

  7. Hello,

    I am a sonographer/elastographer currently doing early detection breast exams. We also travel to other countries to train and I believe this would be very beneficially.

  8. Hola! Gracias por esta opodtunidad excelente! Soy herbolista y nutricionista. He estado trabajando con una clinicá para hipanohiblantes. Mi español es horrible! Necisito mucho mucho más! Estoy SÚPER emocionante para esta clase!

    1. ¡Hola, Rebecca! ¡Bienvenida! 🙌🏽🎉
      Nos alegra poder ayudar. ¡Ya estamos por comenzar!
      ¡Nos vemos pronto!😊

  9. Samantha N Cranford

    I really want to learn Medical Spanish in order to better assist the people I come in contact with at work. I’ve been studying Spanish on my own and have been using your videos as a helpful guide. However, I don’t have anyone to practice with and always get very nervous when I do utilize my skills at work. Estoy muy sorprendida para este clase de español. Quiero aprender mucho y practicar mi gramatica.

  10. Hi! ¡Hola! I am a junior nursing student/Spanish minor who will be taking medical spanish at my university this spring, and now, I will also be taking advantage of the amazing 10-day crash course opportunity in February! Extremely excited! My passion is using language to connect with others in nursing! Thank you guys so much for this opportunity!

      1. Buenos tardes! Like others, i want to be able to communicate with my patients. I am a PA working in a free clinic.

        Cherie Galatian

  11. I have just registered but unable to attend the course in August 2023. When will the next one be happening?

    1. Mackenzie Rodriguez

      I too had something come up. I’m disappointed I won’t be able to attend the live session tomorrow. Will it be possible to re-register for the February course?

  12. I’m a volunteer with a refugee organization and we often have clients with medical concerns or conditions. I’d like to be better at understanding medical terms so I can direct them to the most appropriate care provider.

  13. I work as a surgical nurse and would like to increase my fluency and medical vocabulary to help patients and their families.

  14. I would like to communicate better with my Spanish speaking clientele-some of which do not speak a word of English. Waiting for an interpreter is time consuming and frustrating when the connection fails. I would like to get /understand the basic needs of my patients.

  15. Hello there! Am excited to be once again a part of your ten day course. Even though I do speak Spanish I wish to enhance my vocabulary and most importantly ‘medical vocabulary’ and of course to be able to have a more fluent conversation.

  16. I am registering because, although I am a native Spanish speaker, I am not very familiar with medical terminology in Spanish, and I really want to be able to speak to the patients in a way that they understand me. I sometimes say “como se dice… and I feel so unprofessional at that moment. I want to make a difference with diabetic patients.

  17. I’m an anesthetist and would love to be able to communicate with my patients without relying on someone else to interpret.

  18. I’m happy to be enrolled in this class because I have many EL students. Although I’m not a beginner in Spanish, it would be nice to learn more medical Spanish for my students..

  19. Lakshmipathi kareti

    I’m happy to be registered for this class, I’m a retired physcician I looking work in South American Spanish speaking countries as a volunteer. I’m hoping this couse will enhance my spanish

    1. Alexandra MacPhee

      Hola! Mucho gusto! It sounds like you’ve got a great motivation to learn Spanish. Welcome to the Masterclass!

  20. I am a nurse practitioner in a community health clinic. About 60% of the patients are Spanish speakers, and I am looking to have an opportunity to correct mistakes, and get out of some bad habits that have developed over time.

        1. I work gems and we have a lot more Spanish talking pt s and families moving in our area and want to be better communicating with them

  21. I want to take Medical Spanish because I know some Spanish but want to know more.
    What I want to work on is grammar, tenses, etc
    Leslie Hartley Gise MD, retired psychiatrist, Maui, involved with Disaster Psychiatry/Mental Health.

  22. I am a physical therapist and do home visits with an Early Intervention program. Our number of Spanish speaking families is growing and is now approximately half of my caseload. I have been studying Spanish with Spanishland for 2 1/2 years and learned of your program on their podcast. Thank you for offering a free course specific to healthcare professionals.

  23. Cherisse Howell

    I am a Midwifery student preparing for a medical missions trip in Honduras. I speak functional Spanish but want to brush up

  24. Christy Gonzalez

    I registered last month for the medial Spanish Free course and now it’s asking me to join one that costs money why can’t I get into the free course I registered a long time ago

  25. I want to be able to communicate with my patients in a much more smooth systematic caring compassionate perch without having to constantly foot pages or search for translation apps that actually meet the needs of the patients we serve.

  26. I am bilingual in Spanish and English and I would like to start to work as a medical interpreter. I want to learn medical terminologies.

  27. Hi I missed the first class due to power outage in my area, however am very excited to learn how to speak more fluently in Spanish with my staff and clients. I am currently a Nurse Manager of a LTC unit in Northern New Mexico.

  28. I just started a new NP Job where I occasionally see Spanish-speaking patients and want to learn how to better understand their concerns and communicate with them. Thank you for offering this!

  29. I am very excited for this class. I have many Spanish speaking patients and I want to be able to speak with them with out an interpreter. I also would like to do mission trips in Mexico.

  30. So excited that I found this course! I wanted to become more proficient in speaking Spanish so I can better assist my patients, alleviate the language barrier and to be more marketable.

  31. I would like to improve my Spanish with the parents of my patients.
    I can speak a little bit of Spanish to my pediatric patients.

  32. I need to practice and inprove my Medical Spanish interpretation skills and thought this would be a good place to start.

  33. I am a nurse practitioner and rely on my medical assistants to translate the majority of my Spanish patients. I would like to be independently speaking with them after this course.

  34. Being able to communicate effectively is an essential part of what I do everyday as a RN in cardiac care. Improving my Spanish skills will allow me to better communicate with my patients & even coworkers. Learning is growing and challenging and at the end of the day I’m doing this to improve myself.

  35. Would love to communicate better with my patients. Read more journal articles and begin to write again and share with my Spanish and Portuguese speaking patients.

  36. I am a Women’s Health NP working in an OB/GYN clinic with Spanish-speaking women. I speak a little Spanish but need to be fluent to better engage my patients. I am so grateful for this opportunity and hope to learn as much as I can!

  37. Thank you so much for offering this program. I am a Patient Care Coordinator/ Medical Records and Referral Coordinator at a family med practice. I have learned to ask basic questions in order to complete patient registration and payments. I will need the skills taught here to better communicate with my patients, understand them and help them better understand me.

  38. I am a School Nurse in Sonoma County CA. I would like to be able to speak Spanish better with the families that I work with, especially now during Covid.

  39. I have been wanting to learn Medical Spanish for a long time, so that I am able to better communicate with my Spanish speaking patients. I am an RNCM working in Hospice and also an APRN with backgrounds as a Women’s Health OB/GYN Nurse Practitioner and Forensic Clinician. One day I would love to immerse myself in the health and wellness of a Spanish speaking population. I love interacting with those who work in our Nursing Homes that speak Spanish though I get lost as I do not know the language. Thank You for offering this!

  40. Hello Everyone. Its Faye. I am so excited to start the class. I am taking this masterclass because I want to be able to communicate well with my patients. My future patient population will be majority Spanish speaking. I am a labor and delivery nurse, an NP student, and an aspiring OB/GYn NP.
    Thank you for offering the class.

  41. I took Spanish in high school. I am going to go on some medical mission trips to Ecuador. I would like a nice base of Spanish medical terms to be able to use to communicate with families and patients.

  42. Patsy Galvan-Soto

    I work in a school as well as an ER here in San Antonio, TX. Even though I do speak Spanish I want to get better to be able to have a more fluent conversation with my parents and my patients. I am so glad to get to do this class for free.

  43. I’m a Physician Assistant and I have a lot of Spanish speaking patients. I took quite a bit of Spanish in college but have never been certified as bilingual so couldn’t use it at work. And so I have lost a lot of it. I have been working lately on improving my medical Spanish. I can usually understand most of what a patient says. For Example, I could read what Chris wrote above that they work in a Plasma center and review the history and physical for patients prior to donation. They leave work late after 7 but is able to watch videos later.

    1. Hey Angela, great! Yes comprehension always comes before expression in a 2nd language. We’re excited to help you level up your speaking with what you know… and help you learn more! Looking forward to meeting you online!

  44. Hello I’m an RN at Westwood. I am bilingual. Spanish was my first language but I can have some trouble when it comes to medical terminology. Therefore, I would like to improve on my skills.

  45. I am looking to expand my nursing career and would like to learn how to speak Spanish. This seems like a great place to get started.

  46. I am a resident and want to work on being able to ask basic questions for a chief complaint to my patients in primary care clinic.

  47. Spanish was my minor. I’m supposed to be pretty fluent, but don’t get to practice often. I also didn’t get an extensive medical Spanish learning, so I’m looking forward to add to my skills. This course seems like it will be beneficial both for my current role as an emergency tech and in preparation for my future career in healthcare.

  48. Soy una enfermera escolar en K-12. Hay muchas situaciones durante COVID-19 donde necesitamos hablar con las familias de los estudiantes sobre cuestiones medicas. No hablo frecuentemente en español por eso quiero empezar de nuevo.

  49. This class sounds like an amazing opportunity to get medical Spanish. Throughout my career there has been few classes except for recently maybe that have addressed this issue.
    My mother didn’t teach me Spanish,, she I guess had taken it for granted that our great grandmother who lived with us and only spoke Spanish would somehow by osmosis give us the language. Not true. I even would ask my mother, hey mom can you help me with this word or phrase? nope. no help. I taught myself Spanish, took a gazillion classes, watched tele Novelas lol, worked home health in predominantly Spanish neighborhoods. So…I am so excited to fine tune or get more vocabulary. Thank you for helping me. helping all of us.

  50. I’m a registered nurse, and I recently started working for an urgent care which sees an underserved and diverse patient population, many of whom speak Spanish. It would be mutually beneficial for my patients and myself if I was able to communicate more efficiently, so my patients feel heard and cared for. I hope to establish a better rapport with my Spanish speaking patients.

  51. Rev. G. R. Williams

    I work in a hospital where there are a lot of Spanish-speaking patients. I am also planning to go on a medical mission trip to a Spanish-speaking country. It would be helpful to be able to communicate some essentials.

  52. Starting a medical Spanish curriculum at our family medicine residency and wanting to check out this class/organization as a possibility for growing our curriculum! Thanks!

    1. Hi Lindsay, welcome! We should talk about your FM Residency Spanish curriculum. We’d be glad to help you and support you through it so you don’t have to recreate the wheel!

  53. I’m a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and struggle through appointments with my Spanish-speaking patients. I can speak just enough to get me in trouble, but the appointment takes too long because I’m looking up words like “carbohydrates” on Google Translate! I also have a hard time with the past tense. I’m interested in the immersion program, so I thought this would give me a great first taste of your teaching style and start turning the Spanish gears in my mind as preparation.

  54. I’m a doc recently returned to the States from many years in Japan and other parts of Asia. I’m working in Pocatello where many of my patients are Spanish speaking. I’ve been studying Spanish since arriving here but have a long way to go.

  55. I work as a medical assistant in a pediatric office and would love to communicate better with my Spanish speaking families.

  56. Christine Sambrano

    I am taking this course to assist with communication with my patients. My Spanish is extremely limited and I hope to gain confidence & skills to communicate effectively.

  57. Stephanie Serrano

    I am a nurse and work with a large population of Spanish speaking individuals. I would love to be able to communicate with them better.

  58. I’m a nurse, and I’ve been struggling to communicate effectively with patients. I’m hoping to improve a bit so I can ask and understand basic medical questions/responses.

  59. I want to be an NP and feel being bilingual would be a helpful tool. I have a lot to learn, just getting back into it. I haven’t had any Spanish classes/lessons since I was in high school (10 years ago).

  60. I work as a physician doing locum tenens – I work most often in Washington and Alaska with a fair number of Hispanic patients. I have learned some Spanish over the years, but I need help in staying consistent with what I know and to learn more.

  61. Soy Chris y yo trabajo en un centro de plasma aquí en Colorado donde hago el examen físico y revisar la historia antes de donación. Recentimente yo era aprobado hacer lo en Español. Yo quiero aprender más, así que yo puedo entender todas las cirugias y condiciones la gente podria tener facilmente. Con frecuencia trabajo muy tarde y desafortunadamente salir del trabajo despues de siete pero leí que puedo ver los videos luego. Dega me si hay un problemo con este.

    1. Bienvenido Chris y ¡felicidades por lograr la aprobación de trabajar en español con sus pacientes! Sí claro, no hay problema con ver las lecciones en vivo después si hay que trabajar. Saludos,

  62. I’m working on the Spanish for the Health Professions certificate at my university, but this semester my class is a culture, rather than Spanish, class. If I don’t have something scheduled to keep me focus, I won’t find the time for the Spanish. I work in a free clinic one afternoon each week and my Spanish-speaking patients would be better served if I could speak directly to them without an interpreter. I need repetition.

  63. Stephanie Tucker

    I want to understand basic Spanish when interacting with patients. I’d like reproductive health specific language.

    1. Welcome to the Masterclass Stephanie! I don’t think we’ll have time to focus on reproductive health in the masterclass, but we’ll be glad to share some resources with you!

  64. Salimah Basaria

    I am in nursing profession and I come across many Spanish patients. I love to communicate directly and give patient centered care. Therefore, it’s important for me to learn Spanish.

  65. I’m a pharmacy student and I see Hispanic patients who struggle to comprehend complex medication instructions in English. I want to be able to translate and explain in a way that is easier to understand.

  66. Jennifer Samuels

    I want to be able to conduct an office visit entirely in Spanish. At this point I understand more Spanish than I speak.

    1. Hey Jennifer, yes that’s very common to have your comprehension lead your ability to express yourself. With some targeted vocabulary and the strategies you’ll learn in this masterclass, you’ll be well on your way speaking more Spanish!

  67. Hi, my name is Caitlin and I’m a RN on a postpartum unit. We work with multiple Spanish speaking patients and I would love to be able to provide the same care I do for my English speaking patients. I’ve tried multiple routes and lately have been teaching myself which isn’t easy. I can’t wait to see how this helps me and my patients!

  68. Hi,
    I am a nurse Practitioner and believe if I can learn Spanish, I will be able to provide care to a larger community which is limited due to language barrier at this time!

  69. Hello, I’m looking forward to taking your class. I work as a phlebotomist and patient care technician and I’d love more comfort speaking with patients regarding their care.

  70. Hola! I am excited to take this masterclass and afterwards I hope to be able to volunteer my time to help Spanish-speaking patients communicate with their healthcare providers. Looking forward to meeting you all! Sonia

  71. Stephanie Scheid

    I’m excited to get more Spanish practice in while I wait for the Mastering Medical Spanish course to start!

  72. I want to be able to communicate with my patients by expanding my Spanish speaking vocabulary. I want to be able to assist the ever growing Hispanic community I work with.

  73. I am an Adult Nurse Practitioner and treat many patients who primarily speak Spanish. I want to be able to communicate with them without the use of a translator. Learning to speak Spanish fluently is a goal of mine which I believe will help in establishing a patient-provider relationship.

  74. I am a primary care physician at an FQHC serving adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In the short term, I would like to improve my conversational spanish initially to improve rapport building. In the long term, I hope to get to the point where I can complete a whole visit in spanish.

  75. I work in medical imaging and have lots of spanish speaking comments. I just want to refresh myself with spanish medical terminolgy

  76. Labor and Delivery Nurse here and would love to learn some useful terms for our Spanish speaking population. Unfortunately, I’ll be working during each live session, will those be able to be recorded and watched later? Thx!

  77. I am a pediatric physical therapist and have many families that speak Spanish. I would love to improve my medical terms in the PT field to help better treat me patients.

  78. I work in lab science. I’m hoping to gain enough knowledge and confidence to converse with others, as I’m looking to move out of the country to a predominantly Spanish speaking area.

  79. I am a family nurse practitioner in Las Vegas, and I daily encounter Spanish-speaking patients that would benefit more if I could converse with them in their native language.

  80. Stephanie Fernandez

    Hi I’m a nurse and there’s a heavy Spanish speaking population where I live. I’d like to be able to communicate more effectively with my patients.

  81. I have a large Spanish-speaking population of clients of which I would like to be a to serve more efficiently and effectively

  82. I live and work in the DFW Texas as an RN. I will eventually be changing my position to a pediatric home care nurse, and I know there is a huge Spanish speaking population in my area so I want to be prepared professionally and do not want to be limited to English speaking clients only. Plus knowing a second language can open up so many doors, both professionally and personally.

  83. Sudha A Russell

    I am a Pediatrician and will be caring for the children of Farm Workers in CA part time and will need to talk to parents in Spanish – this is great!

  84. I worked in Residential Care facility for Elderly, Some Seniors are Hispanic origin, I would like to communicate with them. My colleague speaks Spanish too, I’m lost sometimes.

  85. Lori Castaing

    I work Labor&Delivery and Hospice in a very heavy Spanish populated area, although I can speak and understand some Spanish, I’ve always wanted to be able to communicate better, so grateful for this opportunity. Thank You

  86. annette a georgio

    I work in cardiology in the hospital with no interpreters. Trying to use phones are awful for the patients. Hopefully this master class will help. Thanks for the opportunity .

  87. I work at a facility with a significant Spanish-speaking only population, but unfortunately we only have two in person interpreters for the hospital each shift. Having to use the iPad interpretation services is very frustrating. I want to be able to speak with my patients in Spanish with more confidence and using proper medical terminology!

  88. I work in a OBGYN clinic servicing mostly Spanish speaking patients. I know some Spanish but really need to bring it all together and have more fluidity in conversations. I am so fortunate to have this opportunity and have it FREE!!

  89. Alexandra Bowen

    I am thrilled to have the opportunity to take this masterclass. I am a genetic counseling student, and I am just coming off a summer rotation during which I counseled many patients in Spanish. I hope to use this course as a tool to consolidate my Spanish learning from that time, practice my conversational skills more, and get a better sense of how I can plan my future studying.

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