Empezamos con una lección sencilla pero fundamental: Los verbos regulares en tiempo presente en español relacionados con la salud.
Algunos ejemplos:
La asociada médica examina al paciente : The female PA examines the pacient. (Examinar = To examine):
El paciente respira profundo: The patient breathes deeply. (Respirar = To breathe)
El paciente sufre de dolor de pecho: The patient suffers from chest pain. (Sufrir = To suffer)
El paciente no come bien: The patient doesn’t eat well. (Comer = To eat)
El paciente no controla su azúcar: The patient doesn’t control his/her blood sugar. (Controlar = To control)
Él bebe demasiadas bebidas azucaradas : He drinks to many sugary drinks. (Beber = To drink)
Algunas preguntas:
¿Sufres tú de dolor de pecho? : Do you suffer from chest pain?
No, gracias a Dios yo no sufro dolor de pecho: No, thank God I don’t suffer from chest pain.
¿Come usted bien?: Do you eat?
A veces yo como bien, a veces no como bien: Sometimes I eat well, sometimes I don’t eat well.
Note: Both “Tú” and “Usted” mean “You”. You’ll learn how to use them properly later. Also, is good for you to know that in some regions in Latin America (mostly in Argentina, Uruguay and some cities in Colombia), people use “Vos” instead of Tú and Usted. The conjugation are quite similar and you don’t need to worry about learning this variant since they are going to understand what you are saying when using Tú or Usted 🙂
¿Bebe usted demasiadas bebidas azucaradas?: Do you drink to many sugary drinks?
* Note: Although it is good to know the meaning of the “vosotros” form, it is not mandatory to learn how to conjugate it since it is only used in Spain. People from Latin America prefer to use the “ustedes” form.
What About “Vos”?
In some Latin American countries, such as Argentina and Uruguay (and even some provinces in Venezuela and Colombia), people use the form “vos” instead of “tú” when speaking. You don’t need to learn it but it’s good for you to know if you hear your Latino patient using this particular form when talking to you. Here some examples:
Vos sos / estás: You are (note some verbs conjugated using the “tú” form)
¿Dónde vivís?: Where do you live? (Verbs ending in -e change to -ís in the present tense)
Respirá hondo: Breathe deeply (with some verbs, you only need to add an accent at the end)
Again, this is a particular form used in some countries and requires an advanced level of Spanish to use it, so if a patient uses the form “vos” when talking to you, you can reply using “tú” or “usted” forms depending on the context.
Tres tipos de verbos en español / 3 Types of Verbs in Spanish
Each type of verbs has their own conjugation pattern depending on the subject you are using
Yo ______ (vivir) en Colorado (I live in Colorado).
Él ______ (sufrir) de Diabetes tipo 2 (He suffers from type 2 Diabetes)
This is the most basic level of conjugating the regular present tense verbs in Spanish and, in order to master this lesson, here are some ideas and suggestions to get more practice:
1. Memorizar verbos comunes (A full list of 200 verbs in Spanish are available in the lesson download)
Usar fichas para estudiar (Download them from Quizlet or create them by yourself)
2. Practicar las conjugaciones
Dos ideas para practicar las conjugaciones
I packaged all of this into easily downloadable .pdf notes– Get your copy for free today!
Rory is passionate about the Spanish language, an expert instructor, and specifically energized by the practical use of language in industry & community settings.
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