Service Learning in Spanish

High school service learning work in Costa Rica and Ecuador is essential for integrating students into the community.

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Service Learning projects are an important part of Common Ground’s Spanish Immersion programs because we address community needs while bolstering our own communicative competency. 

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe kind of work we do varies year to year, but the primary components of our service work remain the same:

  • We work with local organizations that have identified real needs within the target community.
  • We participate in projects that are sustainable – part of a larger project that is ongoing throughout year even when we’re not present.
  • The service learning work we do (in conjunction with local High School students) is “language rich” – which means that you have to be using Spanish to complete the community service tasks.

Our two-week immersion programs log anywhere from 16 – 20 hours of service, and our 4 week programs log between 45 and 50 hours of service.  Our activities meet several IB CAS objectives and other requirements for service learning projects, not to mention they also look great on college applications!

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