Cultural Spanish Valentine's Day Lesson Plan

Spanish Valentine’s Day Lesson Plan

Spanish Valentine's Day Lesson Plan

Spanish Valentine’s Day Lesson Plan and Activities

The Spanish Valentine’s Day lesson plan is a great authentic resource that talks about the history of this holiday and how it is celebrated throughout Mexico and Latin American.

From 3rd century Rome, through medieval times, to this modern age of technology; Valentine’s Days is celebrated around the world. Love and friendships have endured this holiday’s interesting pagan roots and Catholic Saints; and now, it has entered the world of snapchat, Instagram and other social media outlets. Discover more about the history of Valentine’s Day and especially how it is celebrated throughout Mexico and Latin America in this authentic article by our  friend Rosben Olivera from D.F. (Mexico City). Even through the evolution of technology and time, love and friendships  are still honored and deserve to be celebrated at least once per year.


  • ¡APRENDER! Learn about the origin, history and modern day ways of celebrating Valentine’s Day in Mexico and Latin America. Students will also learn new vocabulary around this holiday.
  • ¡LEER¡ Read an authentic text written by Common Ground’s friend from the Distrito Federal, Rosben Olivera
  • ¡CONVERSAR! Discuss and converse about the holiday and how your students like to celebrate it.
  • ¡PRACTICAR¡ Do practice activities centered around this cultural lesson.
  • ¡APLICARLO¡ Apply this new vocabulary in a real life application project included.


  • A teacher template to implement the lesson
  • An authentic cultural article all about the evolution of this holiday through time and technology, and how it is celebrated in Mexico and Latin America
  • Discussion questions
  • Vocabulary activities
  • A life-application project (make Spanish Valentine Day cards in your class, card template included)
  • Pre-packaged student activities that you just need to print out or email to them

It is always fun to integrate cultural lessons into classes. Have fun implementing this one.

Click below to access the full Spanish Valentine’s Day Lesson Plan activity and have fun with it in class!

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