Spanish Immersion Placement Test for Costa Rica Participants

Spanish Immersion Placement Test for Costa Rica Participants

Your Spanish immersion trip is coming up!

In an effort to streamline your placement into an adequate Spanish class for you, we’d like you to take this placement test before you travel.

Important things to remember:

  • We need to see what you can do with Spanish right now. We need to see what you KNOW. We’re not interested in what you’re able to research, get translated, answer with help, etc.
  • Please take 30 minutes and answer this test to the best of your ability.
  • This exam is for Costa Rica participants only, if you’re travelling to Ecuador, please complete the Ecuador test in this link. In case you’re travelling to both countries, please complete both exams.

Writing Accents:

If you can’t figure it out, no problem. But if you want to add accents to your placement test, here is an article on how to do it.

Immersion Placement Test

We’re so excited that you’re traveling with us on Spanish Immersion! Here is the written portion of your placement test that we need you to fill out so that when you get in country you only need to do the oral screening with the language school. No dictionaries or other resources please – just you this time 🙂

"*" indicates required fields

Which Spanish immersion program are you traveling on?*
Please select the immersion trip you’re registered for.

Placement Test Instructions

There are 2 parts to your placement test: STEP 1: Complete & Submit this written exam STEP 2: Open your confirmation email once you submit part 1 and read instructions for how to complete your oral exam (part 2) Do your best to respond to all the questions in Spanish. All fields are required to answer. If you don’t have an answer, you must still put something or you can’t submit the placement test.

A few Tips:
If you don’t understand a question, write: “no entiendo la pregunta”.
If you don’t know how to answer, write: “no sé responder”.

Keep in mind that this test serves an important purpose – we want you to be placed in a class that fits your current level of Spanish proficiency (not too high, nor too low). Thanks for doing your best and NOT USING ANY OUTSIDE RESOURCES TO COMPLETE THIS PLACEMENT TEST.
Take a minute to say the following things in Spanish:
1. I eat (comer)=
2. You (tú) live (vivir)=
3. She works (trabajar) =
4. They study (estudiar) =
5. You all listen (escuchar) =
6. We walk (caminar) =
7. You (ud) move (mover) =
Take a minute to say the following things in Spanish:
1. I go (ir)=
2. I have (tener)=
3. I give (dar) =
4. I hear (oir) =
5. I come (venir) =
6. I say(decir) =
7. I put (poner) =
8. I bring (traer) =
9. I see (ver) =
entre semana = on a week day. Show us how you can use present tense verbs to describe your day to day activities throughout the week at work, school, etc.
fin de semana = weekend. Now use present tense verbs to tell us a little about your hobbies and leisure activities.
Take a minute to say the following things in Spanish:
1. I ate (comer)=
2. You (tú) lived (vivir)=
3. She worked (trabajar) =
4. They studied (estudiar) =
5. You all listened (escuchar) =
6. We walked (caminar) =
7. You (ud) moved (mover) =
Take a minute to say the following things in Spanish:
1. I went (ir)=
2. You (tú) had (tener)=
3. He gave (dar) =
4. We did (hacer) =
5. They came (venir) =
6. Y’all said (decir) =
7. You (ud) put (poner) =
8. I brought (traer) =
9. I was (estar) =
Describa sus actividades de ayer desde la mañana hasta la noche. Show us how you can use past tense verbs to describe what you did yesterday.
navidad = Christmas. Now strut your stuff by describing your Christmas holiday activities including family, friends – tell us about a few people.
viaje = trip. Escriba en forma narrativa y descriptiva. Tell us what you did and what everything was like. You would definitely want to show us how you can mix preterite and imperfect here if you’re able.
Take a minute to say the following things in Spanish:
1. I used to eat (comer)=
2. You (tú) were living (vivir)=
3. She used to work (trabajar) =
4. They were studying (estudiar) =
5. You all usted to listen (escuchar) =
6. We were walking (caminar) =
7. You (ud) used to move (mover) =
Take a minute to say the following things in Spanish:
1. I was (ser)=
2. You (tú) were (ser)=
3. She was (estar) =
4. They were (estar) =
5. You all usted to go (ir) =
6. We used to go (ir) =
Use the imperfect past tense to tell us all about what your life was like as a kid
“vacaciones” en español = tiempo libre de trabajo y/o clases; no tiene que ser un viaje
Take a minute to say the following things in Spanish:
1. I have eaten (comer)=
2. You (tú) have lived (vivir)=
3. She has worked (trabajar) =
4. They have studied (estudiar) =
5. You all have listened (escuchar) =
6. We have walked (caminar) =
7. You (ud) have moved (mover) =
Take a minute to say the following things in Spanish:
1. I have opened (abrir)=
2. You (tú) have said (decir)=
3. She has made (hacer) =
4. They have put (poner) =
5. You all have written (escribir) =
6. We have seen (ver) =
7. You (ud) have returned (volver) =
8. He has covered (cubrir) =
9. They have roken (romper) =
10. She has died (morir) =
Tell us about your previous trips to Latin America. If you could show us how you use the present perfect tense, that would be awesome!
Here is another present perfect opportunity…
Take a minute to say the following things in Spanish:
1. I will eat (comer)=
2. You (tú) will live (vivir)=
3. She is going to work (trabajar) =
4. They are going to study (estudiar) =
5. You all will listen (escuchar) =
6. We will walk (caminar) =
7. You (ud) are going to move (mover) =
Puede describir planes personales y/o profesionales. You guessed it, we’d like to see if you can use the future tense or any workarounds to talk about the future in Spanish.
Future again…
Take a minute to say the following things in Spanish:
1. I would eat (comer)=
2. You (tú) would live (vivir)=
3. She would work (trabajar) =
4. They would study (estudiar) =
5. You all would listen (escuchar) =
6. We would walk (caminar) =
7. You (ud) would move (mover) =
ganar = to win. Now we’d like to see how you can use the conditional tense of verbs in Spanish.
perder = to lose. More conditional verbs in Spanish
Take a minute to say the following things in Spanish:
1. Eat (tú)(comer)=
2. Don’t eat (tú) (comer) =
3. Work (usted) (trabajar) =
4. Don’t work (usted) (trabajar) =
5. Repeat (tú) (repetir) =
6. Don’t repeat (tú) (repetir) =
7. Get up (usted) (levantarse) =
8. Don’t get up (usted) (levantarse =
You choose if you’re talking to a child (tú) or an adult (usted) and use your command tense verbs appropriately
Try to add some affirmative (+) commands and negative (-) commands
Take a minute to say the following things in Spanish:
1. I want you to eat (comer)= Yo quiero que usted _____
2. It’s important that you work (trabajar) = Es importante que tú _____
3. I don’t like that she lives (vivir) in the city = No me gusta que ella _____ en la ciudad
4. We hope they can (poder) come = Esperamos que ellos _____ venir
5. They doubt that we speak Spanish (hablar) = Ellos dudan que nosotros _____ español
6. She wants me to teach (enseñar) her = Ella quiere que yo le _____
7. Do you want me to arrive (llegar) at 5pm? = ¿Usted quiere que yo _____ a las 5p?
This is pretty advanced – it’s past subjunctive.
Explique por que sí o por que no. Also subjunctive – but a past perfect subjunctive. Can you respond?

Verb Conjugations: Fill in the blanks

Below is a description of what a typical day might look like in Latin America. Do your best to conjugate the verbs to fit well in the sentences.

For every blank you see, write the best form of the verb in parenthesis to fit the sentence.
In the space below, please conjugate the verbs in parenthesis to fit the sentence.
In the space below, please conjugate the verbs in parenthesis to fit the sentence.
In the space below, please conjugate the verbs in parenthesis to fit the sentence.
In the space below, please conjugate the verbs in parenthesis to fit the sentence.
In the space below, please conjugate the verbs in parenthesis to fit the sentence.
In the space below, please conjugate the verbs in parenthesis to fit the sentence.
navidad = Christmas. Más detalle mejor 🙂

Reading Comprehension

Lea el texto y responda a las preguntas a continuación

Costa Rica es un país de paz y alegría. Tiene preciosas playas tanto en el Océano Pacífico como en el Atlántico. La Playa más visitada en el Pacífico es el Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio donde además de playas impresionantes ay diversidad de animales como iguanas y monos. En la Costa Este también encontramos animales como el perezoso y los monos cariblancos.

Costa Rica tiene muchas montañas y volcanes. Uno de los volcanes más activos es el Volcán Turrialba que está ubicado en la provincia de Cartago. Sin embargo existen otros que también son activos como el Irazú y el Rincón de la Vieja. La montaña más alta de Costa Rica es el Chirripó.

Además de estos volcanes y montañas que son lugares turísticos, están las ciudades que son muy atractivas como Cartago (dónde está el Volcán Irazú) y la capital de Costa Rica, San José. Disfrutamos mucho del país porque hay muchos lugares y actividades para divertirse.

Explain your answer
Explain your answer
Explain your answer
Explain your answer
Explain your answer

Ready to submit your placement test or need more time?

If you choose the “SAVE AND CONTINUE LATER” option, please make sure that you:
1. Find the unique URL of your saved placement test
2. Enter your email address so that the website emails you the link to your saved placement test

WHATEVER YOU DO, DON’T JUST CLOSE THE PAGE… scroll around until you find that saved link.

Here is what you’re looking for after clicking “Save and Continue Later”

Save and Continue Later

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