Medical Spanish Well Visit Series

Medical Spanish Well Visit Series

Medical Spanish Well Visit

Thank you for taking the Medical Spanish Well Visit survey over the last couple of weeks!

Here are the results and the topics that we will cover over the next 5 weeks as we close out 2020 together. In this series, we will be learning how to talk through the following topics and scenarios in Spanish, related to Medical Spanish Well Visit:

  1. Lab work discussions (diabetes, cholesterol, thyroid)
  2. Blood pressure management
  3. Cancer screenings (breast, colon, cervical)
  4. Well woman visits
  5. Other screenings (depression, counseling, substance use)

I ask for your input on each topic. So please email me or comment here on this post regarding your specific vocabulary and phrases that you’d like me to include in the coming lessons. Thanks!

Other posts in this Well Visit series:

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