In this free Medical Spanish lesson, you will learn how to talk about media use amongst children and adolescents in Spanish: Consumo de medios, tiempo de pantalla y redes sociales.
In this lesson, I teach you how to discuss the following in Spanish:
- Common social media, TV and screen time vocabulary.
- Risks associated with viewing content relating to drugs, sex and violence.
- Common concerns around obesity, eating disorders and other concerns as they’re linked with screen time.
- 2 great questions to open the conversation around screen time with your patient.
- Screen time and media use suggestions in Spanish for patients.
Here is Anticipatory Guidance in Spanish Media Use in Children and Adolescents lesson that I taught to the Facebook group:
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Vocabulario Relevante – Relevant Vocabulary
This vocabulary is useful to start talking about some topics related to media use in children and its implications.
Violencia – Violence
La violencia es muy común en programas de televisión y películas. No necesariamente causa violencia en niños, pero sí tiene una influencia.
Violence is very common in TV programs and movies. It doesn’t necessarily cause violence but it does have an influence.
El sexo – Sex

- Programas de tele para adolescentes incluyen mucho contenido (mensajes) sexual.
- TV Programs for teenagers include a lot of sexual content.
- El problema es que es poco común (es raro que) que incluyan información sobre los riesgos y responsabilidades de actividad sexual.
- The problem is that it is uncommon (rare) to include information about the risks and responsibilities of sexual activity.
- Los estudios sugieren que estar expuesto a contenido sexual resulta en actividad sexual más temprana Hasta 20% de los adolescentes han participado en “sexting” – es decir mensajes de texto con material sexualmente explícito.
- Studies suggest that being exposed to sexual content results in earlier sexual activity. Up to 20% of adolescents have participated in “sexting” – that is, text messages with sexually explicit material.
Note: Even though “sexting” is a common word in Spanish nowadays, some people also use the word “sexteo” (a mix between sexo + texteo)
Drogas – Drugs
- Miles de millones (billones) de dólares se gastan cada año para promocionar el uso de alcohol y tabaco en los EEUU.
- Billions of dollars are spent every year to promote the use of alcohol and tobacco in the US.
- Los estudios demuestran que esta publicidad influye a los adolescentes.
- Studies show that this advertising influences kids.
- Los estudios también concluyen que observar el uso de tabaco y el consumo de alcohol en programas (películas) es un factor importante en iniciar su uso entre jóvenes.
- Studies also conclude that observing the use of tobacco and alcohol consumption in programs (movies) is an important factor in starting its use among kids.
Note: The words “Billones” and “Billions” are false friends. Be aware when using these words because “billones” means “trillions” in English, whereas “billions” means “miles de millones” (thousands on millions) in Spanish. They are not synonyms.
Obesidad – Obesity
Here is a list of some consequences of the excessive screen time that are related to obesity in kids and teenagers.
Trastornos alimenticios – Eating disorders
Redes sociales, películas y programas de televisión muchas veces establecen una expectativa no realista sobre el cuerpo – especialmente en mujeres.
Social networks, movies, and TV programs often establish an unrealistic expectation about the body – especially in women.
Otras preocupaciones – Other Concerns

Tiempo frente a la pantalla también se asocia con:
Screen time is also associated with:
2 Preguntas para evaluar el uso de medios – 2 Questions to Evaluate the Use of Media
These two questions will help you open the discussion about media use with your patients.
Consejos para padres – Tips for Parents
These consejos are provided in two formats:
- “Usted” command
- A “keep it simple” workaround if you don’t have much experience talking in Spanish
¡Gracias POR aprender español conmigo!
Su tarea – Your Homework
- Review the notes & vocabulary
- Identify additional points and topics to discuss with patients
- Remember to keep it simple if you need to 🙂
Now it’s your turn! I packaged all of this vocabulary in Spanish into some flashcards for you to study.
I packaged all of this into easily downloadable .pdf notes–Get your copy for free today!
Free Medical Spanish Terminology Test
If you want to do a free Medical Spanish terminology test head over to certified Spanish, we are currently building a certification platform where you can practice this test for free. You just have to create a free user account here and start practicing your Español Médico 🙂
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