Spanish for Educators- Regular Verbs in the Present Tense

Spanish for Educators – Regular Verbs in the Present Tense in Spanish

Regular Verbs in the Present Tense

Present Tense Verb Refresher! In this Spanish for Educators lesson you will learn how to use and conjugate the regular verbs in the present in Spanish: Verbos regulares en el presente

Su reto profesional: Empieza a usar los verbos regulares en el presente en español con tus estudiantes o sus padres/tutores. Start using these verbs in your class and/or create your own sentences using them 🙂

Here is the Spanish lesson I taught to my Maestro Miércoles Facebook group:

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El objetivo de esta lección / Lesson Objective

En esta lección, teachers will:

  • Learn how to conjugate regular verbs in the present tense
  • Understand that there is a conjugation pattern to memorize
  • From complete sentences in the present tense
  • Start communicating with correct regular present tense verb conjugations!

Since this is an extensive lesson, I’m adding a menu so you can click on any of the items to check that specific part of the lesson:

  1. Some Examples of Regular Verbs in the Present Tense
  2. Pronouns in Spanish
  3. Regular / Irregular Verbs
  4. Steps to Start Conjugating Verbs in Spanish
  5. -AR Verbs Conjugation
  6. -ER Verbs Conjugation
  7. -IR Verbs Conjugation
  8. Let’s Practice
  9. Key Verbs in the Classroom

Unos ejemplos / Some Examples

Let’s start the lesson with some examples of regular verbs in the present tense. Do you see any patterns?

Ellos estudian matemáticas en grupoThey study math
necesitas trabajar en grupoYou need to work in groups
Yo leo por 30 minutos cada noche  I read for 30 minutes every night
Nosotros escribimos un cuento cortoWe write a short story
Ellas mejoran su comprensión They improve their comprehension

Los Pronombres en Español / Pronouns in Spanish

Let’s repasar the subject pronouns in Spanish! It is important for you to know all of them because they determine how you conjugate the verb.

You –  informal / familiar
Él, Ella, UstedHe, she, you – formal / unfamiliar
Nosotros / Nosotras


Vosotros / VosotrasYou all (España)
Ellos, Ellas, UstedesThey, you all

Verbos Regulares / Irregulares: When we talk about present tense verbs. There are 4 big categories to learn:

1. Verbos regulares1. Regular Verbs
     Hablar, escribir, estudiar      Talk, write, study
2. Verbos irregulares2. Irregular Verbs
     Ir, hacer, tener      Go, do/make, have
3. Verbos con Cambio de Raíz3. Stem-Changing Verbs
     Poder, dormir, revolver    Be able to, sleep, stir
4. Verbos reflexivos4. Reflexive verbs
     Despertar(se), levantar(se), sentar(se)     Awake, raise, sit

Clasificaciones de Verbos / Verbs Classification: Verbs unconjugated or in the infinitive either end in -AR, -ER, -IR.

You need to know how verbs end so you know how to conjugate them.









¿Qué es un infinitivo? / What is an infinitive?

Un verbo en el infinitivo no está conjugado. It is un-conjugated verb.

Unos ejemplos: Verbo + Infinitivo

An already conjugated verb followed by an infinitive.

  • Necesito tomar el exámen. 
  • ¿Debo llamar a los padres?
Hablar  LeerEscribir
AnalizarPoder  Predecir

To start conjugating verbs in present tense in Spanish, you need to follow two simple steps:

El primer paso / First Step

1. Quitar la terminación de -AR, -ER. -IR / Remove the -AR, -ER, -IR Ending

Verbos -ar:Verbos -er:Verbos -ir:
Examinar – Examin_Comer – Com_Escribir –  Escrib_
Estudiar – Estudi_Leer – Le_Vivir – Viv_

El segundo paso / Second Step

2. Agregar la terminación del presente / Add the Present Tense Ending


Yo = ONosotros = AMOS
Tú = AS 
Él, Ella, Usted = AEllos, Ellas, Ustedes = AN


Yo = ONosotros = EMOS
Tú = ES 
Él, Ella, Usted = EEllos, Ellas, Ustedes = N


Yo = ONosotros = IMOS
Tú = ES 
Él, Ella, Usted = EEllos, Ellas, Ustedes = N

Los verbos del -AR / -AR Verbs

EstudiAR (To Study)

Yo = o


Nosotros/as = amos


Tú = as


Vosotros/as = áis


Él, Ella, Usted = a


Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes = an


Los verbos del -ER

LeER (To Read)

Yo = o


Nosotros/as = emos


Tú = es


Vosotros/as = éis


Él, Ella, Usted = e


Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes = emos


Los verbos del -IR

EscribIR (To Write)

Yo = o


Nosotros/as = imos


Tú = es


Vosotros/as = ís


Él, Ella, Usted = e


Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes = en


Vamos a practicar / Let’s Practice

Finally, ¡Vamos a practicar un poquito! Let’s practice a little bit 🙂

1. La maestra __________ (trabajar) en la escuela bilingüe.The teacher works in a bilingual school
2. Nosotros __________ (estudiar) español.We study Spanish
3. Tú __________ (comer) muchas frutas y verduras.You eat a lot of fruits and vegetables
4. Yo __________ (vivir) en Colorado.I live in Colorado
5. Él __________ (escribir) un ensayo.He writes an essay

Note: Share your answers or your own sentences on our Facebook group for correction from other Spanish learners!

Verbos Claves del Salón de Clase

Since there are MANY verbs in Spanish to learn from now on, I decided to share with you a short list of verbs that are useful in the classroom, so you can start talking to your students using these common verbs in a very short time 🙂

EstudiarTo Study
Enseñar  To Teach
TerminarTo Finish
Pensar (ie)To Think
LeerTo Read
EscribirTo Write
Sentar(se)  To Sit down
Levantar(se)To Get up
Hacer (yo)To Do / Make
Ir (irreg)To Go
DibujarTo Draw
Trazar  To Trace / Chart
Traer (yo)To Bring
LlevarTo Carry
PrepararTo Prepare
DesarrollarTo Develop
TenerTo Have
PonerTo Put
ComprarTo Buy
CaminarTo Walk
CorrerTo Run
Saltar  To Jump
Jugar (ue)To Play
SalirTo Go out
ComenzarTo Start
UsarTo Use
ApoyarTo Support

Now it’s your turn! / Ahora es tu turno

Download the lesson notes and start creating your own sentences using this new vocabulary in Spanish and share them on the comments below or in our Facebook group to receive feedback from other Spanish learners ?

See the following examples:

1. Escribir textos (yo)


2. Sustentar (sustain) las ideas con razones y ejemplos organizados (tú)


3. Lograr (achieve) cohesión y coherencia (él)


4. Usar estrategias y procesos de pensamiento (ellos)


5. Apoyar (support) la escritura de diferentes tipos de textos, ejemplos (nosotros)


Now it’s your turn! / ¡Ahora es tu turno!

Study all of this classroom vocabulary in Spanish with these flashcards!

I packaged all of this into easily downloadable .pdf notes– Get your copy for free today!

¡Arriésguense, abran la boca y cometan errores!

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