Spanish Classes - Common Ground International Language Services

Spanish Classes

Spanish classes in Costa Rica

Medical Immersion main Host Family Medical Work Weekend Excursions

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACommon Ground’s Medical Spanish Immersion programs are unique in that we place a strong emphasis on equipping our medical volunteers to be direct care givers.  Everyone benefits when you can comfortably, confidently, and responsibly communicate with your Spanish-only patients.  Developing your Spanish skills is a main priority of Common Ground’s because we know that this medical mission will affect you in ways that will undoubtedly push you toward serving the Spanish-only population back in your community in the United States after your return home.

Your Instructors: Your Spanish classes are all taught by native Spanish speakers who are professional teachers.

Class Times: Spanish classes meet Monday – Friday. Depending on the program specifics, you may have class from 8am – 12pm or from 1pm – 5pm.  You’ll have a little 20 minute cafecito break mid-way through your 4hr block of Spanish Classes. 

Course Content: You will be learning a mixture of general conversational Spanish and medical Spanish.  Both are necessary for a well rounded ability to use Spanish with your patients at home and abroad.

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