Versatile Medical Spanish Verbs


Simplify your medical Spanish with these verbs!

Nurse teacher translating English to SpanishMedical parlance is laden with very specific, nuanced verbs, which often trip up our Medical Spanish students – even at the higher levels. Expressing a thought in the simplest possible way is a skill that often comes very late in game for language learners. With this in mind, we’ve developed a list of some very versatile verbs (and some examples of how you might use them) that can help you simplify your Medical Spanish right away!

SUBIR = to go up, to rise

Si su dieta tiene mucha grasa, usted va a subir de peso. =
If your diet has a lot of fat, you’re going to gain weight.

Cuando come fruta, su azúcar sanguíneo sube. =
When you eat fruit, your blood sugar rises.

Tomar mucho alcohol sube el riesgo del cáncer. =
Drinking a lot of alcohol increases the risk of cancer.

BAJAR = to go down, to lower, to drop

El ejercicio es bueno para bajar de peso. =
Exercise is good for losing weight.

Fumar baja el nivel de oxígeno en la sangre. =
Smoking lowers your blood oxygen level.

Seguir una dieta balanceada baja el riesgo de obesidad. =
Following a balanced diet decreases/ reduces the risk of obesity.

El paciente usó el alcohol para bajar los efectos de la cocaína. =
The patient used alcohol to lessen/ temper the effects of the cocaine.

INDICAR = to indicate, to show

La radiografía indica que la clavícula está quebrada. =
The x-ray shows that the clavicle is broken.

Favor de indicar con el dedo donde le duele. =
Please point to where it hurts.

El análisis indica que la paciente tiene problemas del hígado.=
The test indicates that the patient has liver problems.

La investigación indica que los antidepresivos pueden causar pensamientos de suicida en adolescentes. =
The research suggests that antidepressants can cause suicidal thoughts in adolescents.

NOTAR = to notice, to find (someone) to be

¿Usted ha notado algún cambio de apetito con este medicamento? =
Have you noticed any change in appetite with this medication?

La madre notó la sangre en su orina. =
The mother noticed blood in her urine.

Le noto muy cansado hoy. =
I find him very tired today.

Se le nota preocupada por la cirugía. =
She seems worried about the surgery.

This list of verbs is in no way meant to supplant the more specific verbs you may already know, but rather to help you simplify your thoughts if you find yourself struggling to express a basic concept. If you’re ready to learn a greater variety of verbs, however, check out our ¿Cómo se dice? blog post!

If you’re working on learning Spanish for your healthcare career, we have the medical Spanish you need!

And of course the best to way to truly learn another language is through immersion. Check out our immersion programs in Costa Rica!

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