Essential Vocabulary for Eye Examinations in Spanish

Vocabulary for Eye Examinations in Spanish

If you’re learning Spanish and want to talk about eye health or communicate during an eye examination, mastering some key terms can be incredibly helpful. Here’s a guide to common vocabulary related to eye exams, complete with translations and examples to help you feel confident using these terms.

Eye Examination Vocabulary

1. Ojos secos

  • Translation: Dry eyes.
  • Example: “¿Siente los ojos secos después de trabajar frente a la computadora?”
    (Do you feel dry eyes after working in front of the computer?)

2. Lagrimeo

  • Translation: Excessive tearing.
  • Example: “El lagrimeo constante puede ser un síntoma de alergias.”
    (Constant tearing can be a symptom of allergies.)

3. Enrojecimiento

  • Translation: Redness.
  • Example: “¿Ha notado algún enrojecimiento en los ojos?”
    (Have you noticed any redness in your eyes?)

4. Flotadores

  • Translation: Floaters (spots in vision).
  • Example: “Los flotadores son comunes con la edad, pero pueden ser un signo de problemas graves.”
    (Floaters are common with age but can be a sign of serious issues.)

5. Cataratas

  • Translation: Cataracts.
  • Example: “Las cataratas pueden causar visión borrosa y dificultad para ver de noche.”
    (Cataracts can cause blurry vision and difficulty seeing at night.)

6. Dilatación pupilar

  • Translation: Pupil dilation.
  • Example: “La dilatación pupilar ayuda al oftalmólogo a examinar la retina.”
    (Pupil dilation helps the ophthalmologist examine the retina.)

7. Visión borrosa

  • Translation: Blurry vision.
  • Example: “La visión borrosa puede ser un síntoma de diabetes.”
    (Blurry vision can be a symptom of diabetes.)

8. Visión doble

  • Translation: Double vision.
  • Example: “¿Ha experimentado visión doble recientemente?”
    (Have you experienced double vision recently?)

9. Lentes de contacto

  • Translation: Contact lenses.
  • Example: “¿Prefiere usar lentes de contacto o gafas?”
    (Do you prefer to use contact lenses or glasses?)

10. Miopía

  • Translation: Nearsightedness.
  • Example: “La miopía significa que puede ver objetos cercanos claramente, pero no los lejanos.”
    (Nearsightedness means you can see nearby objects clearly but not distant ones.)

11. Hipermetropía

  • Translation: Farsightedness.
  • Example: “La hipermetropía dificulta ver objetos cercanos con claridad.”
    (Farsightedness makes it hard to see close objects clearly.)

12. Astigmatismo (Astigmatism)

  • Translation: Astigmatism.
  • Example: “El astigmatismo puede causar visión borrosa a cualquier distancia.”
    (Astigmatism can cause blurry vision at any distance.)

Additional Vocabulary

Gafas o lentes

  • Translation: Glasses.
  • Example: “Uso gafas para leer y trabajar en la computadora.”
    (I wear glasses to read and work on the computer.)

Gotas para los ojos

  • Translation: Eye drops.
  • Example: “El doctor recomendó usar gotas para los ojos secos.”
    (The doctor recommended using eye drops for dry eyes.)

Presión ocular

  • Translation: Eye pressure.
  • Example: “La presión ocular alta puede ser un signo de glaucoma.”
    (High eye pressure can be a sign of glaucoma.)

Examen de campo visual

  • Translation: Visual field test.
  • Example: “El examen de campo visual evalúa su capacidad para ver en todas las direcciones.”
    (The visual field test evaluates your ability to see in all directions.)

Degeneración macular

  • Translation: Macular degeneration.
  • Example: “La degeneración macular puede afectar su visión central.”
    (Macular degeneration can affect your central vision.)

Using These Terms in Conversations

Here are some common phrases and questions you might hear or use during an eye exam:

  • “¿Tiene problemas de visión borrosa o doble?”
    (Do you have blurry or double vision?)
  • “¿Usa lentes de contacto o gafas?”
    (Do you use contact lenses or glasses?)
  • “Vamos a medir la presión ocular con este examen.”
    (We’re going to measure your eye pressure with this test.)

Knowing these terms can help you communicate more effectively in Spanish during an eye exam or when discussing eye health. Practice using these phrases and examples to build your confidence and vocabulary.

Have you learned any other helpful eye-related terms in Spanish? Share them in the comments below!

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