Assess Pain in Spanish: Essential Questions for Professionals

Assess Pain in Spanish: 3 Essential Questions for Healthcare Professionals

Pain in Spanish

As a healthcare professional, clear communication with your patients is crucial, especially when discussing something as significant as pain. For English speakers working with Spanish-speaking patients, mastering key phrases can make a big difference to assess their pain. Today, we’ll cover three essential questions that use the word “cuánto” (how much) to ask about pain. These questions will help you understand the intensity, duration, and frequency of your patients’ pain. Let’s dive in!

1. ¿Cuánto le duele en una escala del 0 al 10?

Translation: How much does it hurt on a scale from 0 to 10?

This question helps you gauge the intensity of the patient’s pain. It provides a numerical scale for patients to express their pain levels, making it easier to understand and document their experience.


  • English: “On a scale from 0 to 10, how much does it hurt?”
  • Spanish: “En una escala del 0 al 10, ¿cuánto le duele?”

Scenario: You are assessing a patient who has come in with a severe headache. You ask:

  • “En una escala del 0 al 10, ¿cuánto le duele la cabeza?”
  • The patient responds, “Me duele como un 8,” indicating a high level of pain.

2. ¿Por cuánto tiempo ha tenido este dolor?

Translation: For how long have you had this pain?

This question helps you understand the duration of the pain the patient has been experiencing. Knowing whether the pain is acute or chronic can guide your treatment plan.


  • English: “For how long have you had this pain?”
  • Spanish: “¿Por cuánto tiempo ha tenido este dolor?”

Scenario: A patient complains of back pain. To understand more, you ask:

  • “¿Por cuánto tiempo ha tenido este dolor en la espalda?”
  • The patient answers, “He tenido este dolor por tres semanas,” indicating a chronic issue.

3. ¿Cuánto dura el dolor?

Translation: How long does the pain last?

This question is slightly different from the previous one. It focuses on the duration of each episode of pain rather than the overall period during which the patient has experienced pain. This can help determine if the pain is intermittent or continuous.


  • English: “How long does the pain last?”
  • Spanish: “¿Cuánto dura el dolor?”

Scenario: A patient reports experiencing sharp, intermittent abdominal pain. To get more details, you ask:

  • “¿Cuánto dura el dolor cuando lo siente?”
  • The patient responds, “El dolor dura alrededor de veinte minutos cada vez,” providing you with crucial information about the pain episodes.

Being able to ask these three questions in Spanish will greatly enhance your ability to assess and treat Spanish-speaking patients. Let’s summarize them:

  1. Cuánto le duele en una escala del 0 al 10?
    • Measures the intensity of the pain.
  2. ¿Por cuánto tiempo ha tenido este dolor?
    • Determines the duration since the pain began.
  3. ¿Cuánto dura el dolor?
    • Finds out how long each pain episode lasts.

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