Certification Testing
Medical Spanish Certification for Healthcare Workers:
Online Test and Medical Terminology study App.
This is a Medical Spanish Certification test to prove your bilingual competency in the clinical setting. Open to all healthcare professionals and students who wish to become certified to use Spanish responsibility with patients.
Note: This is not a medical interpreter or medical translator test. This is an assessment to certify you as a bilingual Spanish healthcare worker.
Phase 1 (FREE): Depth and range of medical terminology in Spanish and English
Phase 2 (FREE to take): Accuracy of listening comprehension in Spanish within everyday clinical conversations. Fees apply to receive a personalized evaluation of your test.
Certification Phase 3 ($150 fee): Fluidity, accuracy and culturally appropriate speech directed toward a variety of mock patients presenting with common medical conditions.
Medical Spanish certification requires you to meet certain proficiency standards for working in Spanish within the healthcare context. Each standard for bilingual proficiency has the following components:
The “role” goes beyond the speaker’s professional role in healthcare (physician, nurse, etc) and defines the healthcare workers communicative role while conversing with patients.
Common Ground’s proficiency standards for certification are outlined below. Each standard includes a Role, Cognitive Task, Communicative Pathway, & Competency Level:
Standard 1: Patient and Care Professional Interaction
Role: Health care professional as Facilitator
Cognitive Task: Meaning Construction
Pathway: Direct Person to Person
Competency Level: At or Above Professional
Standard 2: Skilled Presentational Ability
Role: Health care professional as Resource Person
Cognitive Task: Knowledge Sharing
Pathway: Oral Presentational
Competency Level: At or Above Professional
Standard 3: Critical Listening
Role: Health care professional as Inquirer
Cognitive Task: Information Analysis & Synthesis
Pathway: Listening for understanding
Competency Level: At or Above Professional
Standard 4: Critical Reading
Role: Health care professional as Inquirer
Cognitive Task: Information Analysis & Synthesis
Communicative Pathway: Reading for understanding
Competency Level: At or Above Professional
Standard 5: Cultural Navigation
Role: Health care professional as Mediator
Cognitive Task: Social Leadership
Communicative Pathway: All
Competency Level: At or Above Professional