Email Verification: Please check your email to confirm your address

Email Verification: Please check your email to confirm your address

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Common Ground Int’l

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65 thoughts on “Email Verification: Please check your email to confirm your address”

  1. We are studying Genesis 11 (about the Tower of Babel). I thought it would be interesting to show how close some words are from one language to another.

  2. Dawn Erickson

    Hi Rory. I am logged in to CGI. I get regular emails from you but I have not received my “email verification” to allow me to download some lesson notes. It is not in Spam. I’ve tried twice now. any help is appreciated. Thx.

      1. Hi Rory. Spanish Subjunctive – 3 easy steps. Probably will need the other one too – Understanding Spanish Subjunctive (or something like that). There were 2 I was interested in based on email dated March 21st. Thx!

        1. Dawn Erickson

          Still haven’t received anything, Rory… are you still working on it? Thx for any help you can provide.

  3. Hi Rory,
    I live in Mexico and have a young Mexican friend struggling with meth addiction. He asked me to find some stories of other youth who have struggled as he has with drug addiction. That´s how I wandered onto this page. If you have any insight as to where I might find some resources like that, I would appreciate the info. He is Spanish-only. Thanks, Paul

    1. Hi Cynthia, it looks like you didn’t receive the glossary because you have unsubscribed from our mailing list – and the confirmation email contains the glossary. I can re-subscribe you if you like. Let me know!

  4. Dear sir/madam
    Thank you so much for your help. Your Web is great and so useful. I can’t express my gratitude enough for all your hard work.
    Personally as a cardiologist I have learnt so much.
    Thanks again
    Dr fedal

  5. Maria Elena Tan-Llanos, Ed.D.

    Definitely, this is a great website with complete explanations and volum inous examples for students in my ENGLISH GRAMMAR CLASSES. BLESSINGS TO ALL OF YOU!!!

  6. No email was ever sent. I am a teacher and would like to get pricing information for programs offered in the summer of 2021. Thanks.

  7. Rebecca Sneider

    I am a school counselor with limited Spanish. I need to be able to communicate with my students and families who are just starting to learn English. Google translate isn’t cutting it. Would this program be right for me?

    1. Hello Rebecca, absolutely! What you’ll find with this program is that you’ll advance your Spanish significantly and find yourself speaking more fluidly and thinking less about what you’re saying. We’d love to work with you!

  8. Thanks for your notes I am an English teacher in Panama and your information helps me a lot with my classes please send me what ever you plublish i will use it in my clases

  9. Hi, my 17 yo son needs to take Spanish 2 over this Summer . Can your 4 week long programm qualify for the high school course?
    Thank you

    1. Good morning Alla – thanks for the note! Your son will definitely cover Spanish 2 material and a whole lot more in the 4-wk program. We can’t offer high school credit ourselves, but we would be happy to communicate with your son’s school regarding curriculum. At the very least he should be able to sit for the Spanish 2 final exam in the fall and pass it with flying colors. Please let us know how we can help you get this situated for your son (303) 684-5557. Cheers,

  10. I’m a preschool teacher at a dual immersion elementary school and want to improve my Spanish. I’m looking for a two week immersion program summer 2019.

  11. I am an elementary Spanish teacher looking to improve language skills and learn some new techniques in teaching language to my students. Is that what you guys can help with?

  12. I never got an email so that I could see pricing. Looking for summer 2019 for my daughter (age 14) and myself.

  13. I am the grandmother of a 15 year old and we would be interested in learning about Spanish immersion courses available for one to two weeks this summer, 2019.

    Are there any programs that offer classes for both of us during the day and activities for both of us, or teen activities for my son where he can be with other teens during breaks from Spanish courses?

    1. Hi Jodie, thanks for the note! Yes absolutely there would be an option for you and your 15y/o grandson to travel together. I’ll reach out to you over email and we can schedule a call to discuss. Cheers, Rory

    1. Hi Joan, maybe check your junk or spam mail folders – you should have received an email immediately. I’ll email you directly anyway. Cheers, Rory

  14. Sara Studebaker Dashner

    Hola! I am a kindergarten teacher at a Spanish/English Dual Language school. I teach English and my partner teaches Spanish. I love the language and culture. I want to learn more, so that I can have a deeper connection with my students and families.

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