MSI: Medical Spanish Interpreter Training Course

Medical Spanish Interpreter Training - online course
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What is MSI?

This online medical Spanish interpreter training course (MSI) is an excellent way for you to add responsible and ethical interpreting to your skillset as a bilingual healthcare worker. The eight lessons in this course span 8 calendar weeks and consist of a combination of asynchronous learning (on your own time) and synchronous (live) classes on Zoom.

Dates for this session of MSI:

  • There are no current live sessions of MSI, all coursework is asynchronous
  • If you would like to work with an instructor, add private instruction to your cart as you check out.

MSI is not an interpreter certification course. Most people who take this course fit into one of the following categories:

  1. Are bilingual staff members of a clinic, hospital department, etc that are often asked to interpret on the job.
  2. Have interest in becoming a professional interpreter, and looking for a great first step in their journey
  3. Are bilingual healthcare students wanting to improve their advanced level medical Spanish skills

At the conclusion of MSI, you will take a final interpreting test. If you score above 80% accuracy on your final test, you will receive a certificate of successful completion with a recommendation to your employer that your are able to interpret responsibly while on the job.

Objectives of the Medical Spanish Interpreter Training course:

  • Learn and adhere to the professional standards of practice for interpreters in healthcare
  • Understand and adhere to the national code of ethics for interpreters in healthcare
  • Refine knowledge of medical terminology in English and Spanish
  • Gain familiarity with interpreting in healthcare and understand common errors and pitfalls while interpreting in medical settings

Is this the right medical Spanish interpreting course for you?

This interpreter training course is for advanced level speakers. The emphasis of this training is how to use your bilingual competencies to interpret responsibly. MSI is a good course for you if you:

  • Are already an advanced level speaker of both English and Spanish
  • Already have some experience and working skills with interpreting
  • Have a working knowledge of medical terminology in Spanish and English
  • Want to make sure that you’re using your skills responsibly and ethically when asked to interpret by supervisors, managers, providers, etc.
  • Need to prepare for the interpreter test at your hospital or workplace
  • Want to take your first steps in becoming a professional healthcare interpreter.

Course Content

6 thoughts on “MSI: Medical Spanish Interpreter Training Course”

  1. Hi:
    I am a Spanish native speaker, have lived in the U.S for over 40 years, taught Spanish for 30 years and I have the opportunity to have an Interpretation position in my local hospital.

    To fulfill their requirements of employment I need to be certified. I just found , reading your web site that the course I was planning on taking will not lead to a certification.

    Is it possible that you could direct me to the fastest way to get the certification? I have used a list that Rory placed on line and I dowloaded some terminology.

    Hope you can help me in this endeavor and hope to hear from you soon.

    1. Alexandra MacPhee

      Hi Silvia, and thanks for your comment. Our best recommendation would be to check with your local hospital what certifications they accept and that will lead you to the correct course to get certified. Hope this helps! And buena suerte!

    1. Thanks for the note Maricarmen, we’re working on the schedule right now for the first 1/2 of 2022. It will likely be somewhere in the March – April time frame of 2022. We’ll keep you posted on dates!

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