Spanish for Educators - Verbs in The Present Tense in Spanish

Spanish for Educators – Verbs in The Present Tense in Spanish

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This Spanish for Educators lesson focuses on learning present tense verbs in Spanish in the context of teaching your students about literacy: los verbos dentro del contexto de Lectoescritura.

Su reto profesional: Start using verbs in the present tense in Spanish in your classroom! No le tema a los verbos en español!

Here is the Spanish lesson all about Verbs in The Present Tense – I taught to my Maestro Miércoles Facebook group:

La Comunicación Oral / Oral communication

Think of all the ways we learn to communicate – especially in school! Communication takes various forms and styles: formal, informal, presentational, debate, interview, etc. If you are a literacy teacher, what are all the different ways you teach your students to communicate in English or Spanish? Here are some examples…

  • Conversación: students learn how to converse
  • Diálogo: how to read and write dialogues
  • Narración: how to be the narrator of a short story
  • Discusión: how to discuss about a topic
  • Entrevista: how to make an interview
  • Exposición: how to make a great presentation
  • Presentación: how to introduce themselves
  • Argumentación: how to defend a view or value

As I was preparing this lesson, I realized that no matter what type of communication you are learning and/or teaching there are many common verbs that cross various modes of communication. And it is súper importante for you to learn how to conjugate these verbs. Por ejemplo:

Escuchar discursos orales

Listen to debates

Formular juicios de valor, opiniones argumentativas

Formulate value judgments, argumentative opinions

Participar en manera respetuosa frente a las intervenciones de los demásParticipate in a respectful way regarding of the interventions of the others
Organizar el discurso  Organize the speech
Utilizar un vocabulario adecuado a diversas situaciones comunicativas

Support the speech with resources

Apoyar el discurso con recursos

Use a vocabulary appropriate to various communicative situations

Reflexionar sobre los efectos del uso de estereotipos y prejuicios en la comunicación Think about the effects of the use of stereotypes and prejudices in communication
 Construir acuerdos   Build agreements

STEP 1: Let’s start with a quick question for you…

What are the top 10 common verbs you use as you are teaching in your classroom. Quick write them down and if you don’t know what they are in Spanish, you can look them up here

STEP 2: 3 Clasificaciones de verbos / 3 Verb Classifications

In Spanish, you will find verbs with three types of endings: -AR, -ER, and -IR. And you will start noticing a conjugation pattern for regular verbs depending on whether they end in -AR, -ER and -IR. Here you can see some examples of some of these verbs and their meaning in English:

-AR Verbs

HablarTo talk
Determinar  To determine
IdentificarTo identify
AnalizarTo analize
Imaginar To imagine
 DarTo give

-ER Verbs

Leer To read
Hacer  To do / make
Ver To see / watch
PoderCan / Could / Be able to
TenerTo have

-IR Verbs

EscribirTo write
CompartirTo share
Describir  To describe
PredecirTo predict

In this section, you can see how to conjugate regular (versus irregular) verbs in the present tense in Spanish correctly. Notice they follow a pattern depending on the ending of the verb:STEP 3: Las conjugaciones

Los verbos de AR / AR verbs


  • Yo = o (Estudio)
  • Tú = as (Estudias)
  • Él, Ella, Usted = a (Estudia)
  • Nosotros/as = amos (Estudiamos)
  • Vosotros/as = ais (Estudiáis)
  • Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes = an (Estudian)

Los verbos de ER / ER Verbs


  • Yo = o (Leo)
  • Tú = es (Lees)
  • Él, Ella, Usted = e (Lee)
  • Nosotros/as = emos (Leemos)
  • Vosotros/as = éis (Leéis)
  • Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes = en (Leen)

Los verbos de IR / IR Verbs


  • Yo = o (Escribo)
  • Tú = es (Escribes)
  • Él, Ella, Usted = e (Escribe)
  • Nosotros/as = imos (Escribimos)
  • Vosotros/as = is (Escribís)
  • Ellos, ellas, ustedes = en (Escriben)

STEP 4: Verbos claves de la lectoescritura / Key Verbs in Literacy

Here is a list of common verbs teachers use in Literacy. It’s your turn to:

  • Memorize the verb conjugation patterns
  • Practice conjugating them
  • Make a list of the most common verbs you need to use in Spanish
  • Start using them in your classroom 🙂
Los verbos:Verbs:
AnalizarTo analyze
EvidenciarTo support by giving evidence
Reflexionar  To reflect / ponder
InteractuarTo interact
ParticiparTo participate / take part
Valorar el contenidoTo value content
Utilizar (estrategias cognitivas de comprensión)To use (cognitive comprehension strategies)
DesarrollarTo develop
SeleccionarTo select / choose
Disfrutar (textos literarios)To enjoy (literary texts)
Fortalecer  To strengthen
Indagar (sobre características)To inquire (about characteristics)
InferirTo infer
SintetizarTo synthesize
ParafrasearTo paraphrase
ReleerTo reread

STEP 5: Quiz time! ¡Te toca a ti! / It’s your turn!

Ahora es tu turno de practicar

Escribir textos (yo)To write texts (I)
    • Escribo    • I write
Sustentar (sustain) las ideas con razones y ejemplos organizados (tú)To support ideas with reasons and examples (you – informal)
    • Sustentas
  • You sustain
Lograr (achieve) cohesión y coherencia (él)To achieve cohesion and coherence (he)
    • Logra    • Achieve
Usar estrategias y procesos de pensamiento (ellos)  To use strategies and thought processes (they)
    • Usan    • They use
Apoyar (support) la escritura de diferentes tipos de textos, ejemplos (nosotros)To support the writing of different types of texts, examples (us)
    • Apoyamos   •  We support

Now It’s Your Turn! / ¡Ahora es tu turno!

Study all of this classroom vocabulary in Spanish with these flashcards!

Share examples of your writing in Spanish using these verbs below in the comment section or in our Facebook group to get feedback from other Spanish learners.

I packaged all of this into easily downloadable .pdf notes– Get your copy for free today!

¡Arriésguense, abran la boca y cometan errores!

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