Speedy Spanish for Corrections Personnel


Speedy Spanish for Corrections Personnel is a convenient resource for corrections personnel to carry on the job and for learning Spanish for law enforcement personnel.

Speedy Spanish for Corrections Personnel is a convenient resource for corrections personnel to carry on the job and for learning Spanish for law enforcement personnel.

Speedy Spanish for Corrections Personnel contains pertinent phrases for law enforcement translated into Spanish with phonetic pronunciation guides. Phrases that are common in corrections facilities are organized by topic in a unique tab index. So whether you are orienting a new inmate to the new rules, interrogating a witness, or performing a medical assessment, you can easily flip to the appropriate tab and clearly communicate the relevant information. Phrases and vocabulary cover various topics such as inmate information, rules and regulations, commands and requests, witness interrogation, and medical assessment.

Small enough to fit in a pocket, clip board or desk drawer, carry Speedy Spanish for Corrections Personnel with you where every you go. Be prepared for those in-the-moment translation situations with inmates, visitors or witnesses; or pull it out on your lunch break for some extra practice. Speedy Spanish for Corrections Personnel is made of thick plastic card stock and comes with a clear vinyl cover, making it very durable. Easy to use and carry on the job, Speedy Spanish for Corrections Personnel is a vital resource for all law enforcement personnel.

Table of Contents:

  • Basic Phrases
  • Inmate Information
  • Numbers/ Days & Months
  • Simple Commands & Requests
  • Rules & Regulations
  • Visitors
  • Victim/ Witness Interrogation
  • Booking/ Cavity Search
  • Medical Assessment
  • Injections & Medications
  • Release & Probation


Samples of Spanish translations with phonetic pronunciation guide:

Go to your cell when the buzzer sounds for count.

Váyase a su celda cuando suene el timbre de conteo.

bah-yah-seh ah soo sehl-dah kwahn-doh sweh-neh ehl teem-breh deh dohn-teh-oh

What is the name of your attorney?

¿Cuál es el nombre de su abogado?

kwahl ehs ehl nohm-breh deh soo ah-boh-gah-doh?

Title: Speedy Spanish for Corrections Personnel

Publisher: Baja Books

ISBN: 9781882196043

Size: 5.5″x3.5″

Pages: 21

Availability: In stock

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