Pharmacy Spanish – APPE International Rotation and Spanish Immersion Trip

Intermational Rotation PharmD APPE in Ecuador and Costa Rica

Learn Pharmacy Spanish on APPE Rotation in Ecuador and Costa Rica!

Everyone knows that immersion is the best way to learn Spanish – now you can learn pharmacy Spanish while you’re rotating and having the best language experience of your life!

Get all the PharmD APPE details in a quick 20min info video:

This pharmacy Spanish immersion trip is an elective international rotation in PharmD programs across the United States, and it is open to any pharmacist wanting to learn Spanish as well.

Essential details of the International Pharmacy APPE Rotation:

APPE Rotation Pricing:

Ecuador APPE Rotation

4-wk in Ecuador: $4,675
5-wk in Ecuador: $5,675
6-wk in Ecuador: $6,589

Costa Rica APPE Rotation:

4-wk in CR: $4,675
5-wk in CR: $5,675
6-wk in CR: $6,589

What else should you budget for?

Flights & Baggage fees: CUE is Cuenca, Ecuador airport code | SJO is San Jose, Costa Rica airport code.
Required & Recommended Immunizations
Souvenirs and day to day personal expenses
Exploring the country on optional weekend excursions (We’ll offer some group excursions. You can also choose to DIY weekend travel
Lunches ($7-$10 on average): Breakfast and Dinner provided by your host family
Optional donations for charitable work and gratuities for tour guides & drivers on weekends

Timing of Elective APPE Rotations:

We run this international pharmacy rotation and Spanish for pharmacists immersion trip in blocks 1 and 2 of the typical APPE schedule: End of May – Early July & Early July – early August. This is APPE Blocks 1 & 2 for our local universities here in Colorado. Most PharmD students rotate for 5 of the 6 weeks and use the 6th week for travel.

If you need specific flexibility with your dates, please contact us to look at if/how we can accommodate your requests.

Length: The full immersion program for pharmacists runs 6 weeks. Many APPE rotations are 6 week blocks but 5 weeks of programming (allowing for 1 week of vacation within the rotation). Students are able to adjust the length of the Spanish immersion rotation to fit their schedules and needs.

Day to Day Schedule: Monday – Friday you can expect to be very busy learning and using Spanish in pharmacy and in medical outreach settings. Half of the day you’ll be in a retail pharmacy location or in an underserved community delivering health education. The other half of the day, you’ll be in medical Spanish classes at language school.

Paperwork for Academic Programs: If you are a PharmD student looking for an International IPPE or APPE experience, Download & Submit this Course Description to your academic program.

More Information: For more information, see the Medical Spanish Immersion program page to learn about:

  • Specific dates of the rotation
  • The primary components and day to day responsibilities while on rotation
  • What other students and travelers think about the rotation
I would definitely recommend this program. You learn so much Spanish and so much about the culture at the same time. There is nothing like immersion!

PharmD Student, Kentucky

I learned a lot! I feel very lucky that I was able to find this program and my school was able to offer it to us. If you’re thinking about an experience that will put you out of your comfort zone, I would highly recommend it.

PharmD Student, Kentucky

I have so many Spanish speaking patients that it made me want to learn Spanish again. What better way is there to learn Spanish and learn about pharmacy customs in another culture than to travel abroad?
Arti & Yasmine

PharmD Students, Colorado

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