Public Health Practicum & Spanish Immersion in Costa Rica

Public Health Practicum in Costa Rica

Public health practicum in Ecuador and Costa Rica

Learn Spanish on a Public Health Practicum in Costa Rica.

There is no better way to prepare for your career in public health than to ensure that you have the Spanish language skills to give practical and relevant community education in Spanish.

This Spanish immersion in Costa Rica provides an excellent opportunity for public health students to complete a practicum that is 100% related to the public health field, directly applicable to public health realities back in your home community, inter-professional, and amazingly beneficial to your Spanish proficiency.

Public health practicum in Ecuador and Costa Rica

If speaking Spanish is important to your career in public health, this practicum is perfect for you!

The essential practicum details:

Timing: We run this practicum in conjunction with our Spanish for healthcare immersion trip 2 times a year: February & July.

Length: The full public health practicum runs 4 weeks. However, students and professionals are able to adjust the length of the immersion trip to fit their schedules and needs.

Day to Day Schedule: Monday – Friday you can expect to be very busy learning and using Spanish in medical outreach settings. Half of the day you’ll be in an underserved community delivering health education. The other half of the day, you’ll be in medical Spanish classes at language school.

Paperwork for Academic Programs: If you are a public health student looking for a practicum in Spanish, Download & Submit this Course Description to your academic program.

More Information: For more information, see the Medical Spanish Immersion program page

2 thoughts on “Public Health Practicum in Costa Rica”

  1. I have questions about your program. I am a social worker and I work in a hospital. Do you accept social workers in your program.

    1. Yes Mariecia, we would love to have you join us as a social worker! I’ll send you a quick email and invite you to a conversation to answer your other questions as well. Cheers, Rory

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