Providing positive feedback about students is an important part of building strong relationships with both students and their parents. If you work with Spanish-speaking families, knowing how to praise a student in Spanish can help you communicate their strengths and progress effectively. In this post, we’ll go over key vocabulary, an easy sentence structure, and some examples you can use when speaking to students or discussing their achievements with their parents.
Basic Formula for Praising a Student in Spanish
A simple way to give positive feedback is by using:
✅ “Es + [adjective]” (He/She is + [adjective])
For example, when talking to a parent, you might say:
- Su hijo es muy inteligente. (Your son is very smart.)
- Su hija es muy trabajadora. (Your daughter is very hardworking.)
- Es un estudiante muy creativo. (He/She is a very creative student.)
To make the praise stronger, you can add:
- Muy (Very) → Es muy amable con sus compañeros. (He/She is very kind to their classmates.)
- Increíblemente (Incredibly) → Es increíblemente talentoso. (He/She is incredibly talented.)
Common Praise Words in Spanish
Here are some adjectives you can use when describing a student’s strengths to their parents:
✅ Smart / Intelligent – Inteligente
- Su hijo/a es muy inteligente. (Your child is very smart.)
✅ Hardworking – Trabajador/Trabajadora
- Es un/a estudiante muy trabajador/a. (He/She is a very hardworking student.)
✅ Creative – Creativo/Creativa
- Tiene ideas muy creativas en clase. (He/She has very creative ideas in class.)
✅ Kind – Amable
- Siempre es muy amable con sus compañeros. (He/She is always very kind to classmates.)
✅ Talented – Talentoso/Talentosa
- Tiene mucho talento para las matemáticas/el arte/la música. (He/She has a lot of talent for math/art/music.)
✅ Brave – Valiente
- Siempre es valiente y se atreve a intentar cosas nuevas. (He/She is always brave and willing to try new things.)
✅ Responsible – Responsable
- Es muy responsable con sus tareas. (He/She is very responsible with their homework.)
✅ Dedicated – Dedicado/Dedicada
- Se nota que está muy dedicado/a a sus estudios. (It’s clear that he/she is very dedicated to their studies.)
✅ Fast learner – Aprende rápido
- Aprende muy rápido y capta los conceptos fácilmente. (He/She learns very quickly and understands concepts easily.)
Encouraging Phrases to Use with Parents
When discussing a student’s progress with their parents, you can use phrases like:
✔ Su hijo/a está haciendo un gran trabajo en clase. (Your child is doing a great job in class.)
✔ Estoy muy impresionado/a con el esfuerzo de su hijo/a. (I’m very impressed with your child’s effort.)
✔ Siempre da lo mejor de sí en las actividades. (He/She always gives their best effort in activities.)
✔ Estoy orgulloso/a de sus avances. (I’m proud of their progress.)
✔ Ha mejorado mucho en [materia/habilidad]. (He/She has improved a lot in [subject/skill].)
✔ Es un/a estudiante ejemplar. (He/She is an exemplary student.)
✔ Tiene un gran futuro por delante. (He/She has a great future ahead.)
Whether you are praising a student directly or speaking with their parents, using positive language in Spanish can help create a supportive learning environment. The simple structure “Es + [adjective]” makes it easy to express encouragement and highlight a student’s strengths.
Do you have a favorite way to praise students in Spanish? Let us know in the comments! 😊