How to Say “Stomach Cramps” in Spanish

Stomach cramps in Spanish

The word “cólicos” is commonly used to refer to abdominal cramps, including digestive cramps and menstrual cramps. However, in many Spanish-speaking countries, women often use “cólicos” specifically to refer to menstrual cramps rather than stomach pain from digestive issues.

Cólicos abdominales (Abdominal cramps) – Used when referring to digestive or stomach-related cramps.
Cólicos menstruales (Menstrual cramps) – Specifically for period cramps.

🔹 Examples:

  • Tengo cólicos abdominales por la comida que me cayó mal.
    (I have stomach cramps because the food didn’t sit well with me.)
  • Los cólicos menstruales pueden ser muy dolorosos.
    (Menstrual cramps can be very painful.)

📝 Note: If you are talking about general stomach cramps, it’s best to clarify by saying “cólicos abdominales” to avoid confusion with menstrual cramps.

2. “Retortijones” or “Retorcijones” – Intense Stomach Cramps

The words “retortijones” or “retorcijones” (depending on the country) refer to severe stomach cramps, usually related to digestive issues like diarrhea or food poisoning.

🔹 Examples:

  • Tengo retortijones después de comer algo en mal estado.
    (I have stomach cramps after eating something bad.)
  • Si tienes retortijones fuertes, ve al médico.
    (If you have severe stomach cramps, go to the doctor.)

🔹 Regional Variations:

  • Some people say “retorcijones” instead of “retortijones” in certain countries. Both words are understood and mean the same thing.

3. Other Ways to Describe Stomach Cramps

Depending on the situation, you might also hear:
Dolor tipo cólico (Cramp-like pain) – A general way to describe cramp-like stomach pain.
Dolor retorcijante (Twisting pain) – Used when describing a strong, twisting pain in the stomach.

🔹 Examples:

  • Siento un dolor tipo cólico en el estómago.
    (I feel a cramp-like pain in my stomach.)
  • El dolor es retorcijante, como si algo se estuviera apretando dentro.
    (The pain is twisting, like something is tightening inside.)

How to Ask Someone if They Have Stomach Cramps

If you need to ask a patient or someone else if they have stomach cramps, you can use:

🩺 ¿Tiene cólicos abdominales? (Do you have stomach cramps?)
🩺 ¿Siente retortijones en el estómago? (Do you feel cramping in your stomach?)
🩺 ¿Le duele el estómago como si tuviera calambres? (Does your stomach hurt as if you had cramps?)
🩺 ¿Siente retortijones en el estómago? (Do you feel cramping in your stomach?)
🩺 ¿Le duele el estómago como si tuviera calambres? (Does your stomach hurt as if you had cramps?)

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