This free Medical Spanish lesson focuses on understanding the different meanings of these 5 tricky medical Spanish words: Stop, Failure, Stay, Keep, and Free
Some time ago, we talked 4 tricky medical words in Spanish: back, butt, rate, and screen. In this case, I have added 5 new ones I think you need to know about: stop, failure, stay, keep, and free.
Here is the 5 Tricky Medical Spanish Words lesson I taught to the Facebook group:
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Why are these words tricky?
This are tricky medical Spanish words because they have multiple meanings in English, and therefore various equivalents in Spanish. On a practical level, they are tricky because when you look them up with Google Translate, it’s easy to pick the wrong word (Sorry 🙂
Since these words in English can mean a variety of things, you need to use different words to explain the idea correctly in Spanish.
Here is a list of common uses of each of these 5 tricky words and their corresponding equivalents in Spanish:
1. Common uses of the word “stop”:
Stop sign: Señal de alto
- Doble a la derecha en la señal de alto
- Yes, I know when you see the word “alto” you think of the English words “high” or “tall” but in this case, “Alto” means “stop” and I think this is from the German word “Halt” 😉
Quit moving or working: Parar
- Si tiene falta de aire cuando hace ejercicio, necesita parar y descansar un poquito.
- Ok, another word with two meanings: “Parar” also means to stand up or to get up, and could be used as a reflexive verb.
An example of pararse as a reflexive verb:
- Por favor, párese y camine hacia la puerta (Please stand up and walk towards the door)
Stop a habit: Dejar de…
- Cuesta mucho (es muy difícil) dejar de fumar tabaco. Un grupo de apoyo le puede ayudar.
2. Common uses of the word “failure”:
Make a mistake or fail an activity: Fallar
- No soy muy bueno con los exámenes. Tengo miedo de fallar.
To be a failure: Fracasar
Organ failure: Insuficiencia
- Necesita diálisis por su insuficiencia renal.
Heart failure: Insuficiencia cardíaca.
Respiratory failure: Insuficiencia respiratoria.
Note: you could see the word “insuficiente” in some settings, but this is not related to an organ failure. The meaning of this word is insufficient or not enough.
Example: La cantidad de comida que ingiere es insuficiente para mantener una dieta sana.
3. Common uses of the word “stay”:
Remain in a place: Quedarse
- No vamos a buscar un hotel. Vamos a quedarnos aquí en el hospital con nuestro hijo.
Continue, stay: Seguir, mantener
- Para mantener una buena salud, es importante comer bien y hacer ejercicio regularmente.
Time in a place: Estancia, tiempo
Note: In some countries in Latin America, una estancia could be: a room in a house or a small farm.
- La señora está descansando en su estancia (The lady is resting in her room)
- El fin de semana vamos a visitar la estancia de un amigo (This weekend we are going to a friend’s small farm)
4. Common uses of the word “keep”:
Store an object: Guardar
- Debe guardar este medicamento en el refrigerador.
Possess an object: Quedarse con
“Keep on”, continue: Seguir, continuar
- Es importante seguir con los tratamientos hasta terminarlas todas. It’s important to continue with the treatments until finishing all of them.
5. Common uses of the word “free:
No cost: Gratis
Not containing or loosed: Libre de…
- Este hospital es un lugar libre de tabaco.
Available: Disponible
- Tenemos una cita disponible para mañana a las 11:00 AM.
Now is your turn! ¡Ahora te toca a ti!
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