Expressing Routines and New Intentions in English

Expressing Routines and New Intentions in English

Have you ever wanted to learn how to express routines and new intentions in English? Or how about what you want to start doing in your life in English?

¿Alguna vez has querido aprender a expresar rutinas y nuevos propósitos en inglés? ¿O qué tal lo que quieres comenzar a hacer en tu vida en inglés?

For Example:

  • I wake up every morning at 5am. / Me levantaré cada mañana a las 5 de la mañana.
  • I hope to meditate every morning after breakfast. / Espero meditar todas las mañanas después del desayuno.
  • I will swim three times a week. / Nadaré tres veces por semana.

In this lesson, aprenderás cómo communicate:

  1. Your everyday routines / Tus rutinas diarias / habituales
  2. Routines and goals you WILL implement in the future / Rutinas y objetivos que PONDRÁS en práctica en el futuro
  3. Routines and goals you HOPE to implement in the future / Rutina y objetivos que ESPERAS poner en práctica en el futuro

The essential English grammar you will learn how to talk about routines and future intentions are:

  • Simple present verbs + time expressions
  • Simple future verbs (or intention verb) + time expressions

Watch this English Quick Tip Lesson to learn more:

You can talk about current routines and future routines using:

Puedes hablar de rutinas actuales y futuras utilizando:

  • Current Routines: Simple present + time expressions / Rutinas actuales: Presente simple + expresiones de tiempo
  • Future Routines: Simple future (or intention verb) + time expressions / Rutinas futuras: Futuro simple (o verbo de intención) + expresiones de tiempo

For Example

Current RoutinesFuture Routines
I wake up at 5am every morning.
I meditate every morning after breakfast.
I respond to emails at 10am and 3pm every day.
I go to the gym every other day after work.
I never check social media while working.
I plan my meals for the week every Sunday.
I take time to organize my calendar twice a month.
I prioritize time with my family every evening after 6pm.
I go to bed by 9pm every night.
I will wake up at 5am every morning.
I plan to meditate every morning after breakfast.
I want to respond to emails at 10am and 3pm every day.
I intend to go to the gym every other day after work.
I will stop checking social media while working.
I intend to plan my meals for the week every Sunday.
I will take time to organize my calendar twice a month.
I want to prioritize time with my family every evening after 6pm.
I will go to bed by 9pm every night.

You might find this Adverb Lesson helpful as you are practicing your current and future routines. (Adverbs of frequency such as: always, sometimes, often, never, etc.)

5 ways to talk about routines using simple present or future verbs plus time expressions:

English grammar patternExamples
1. Every + time expression
Cada + expresión de tiempo
I meditate every day.
I eat breakfast every morning.
I go for a walk every afternoon.
I organize my calendar every week.
I visit my parents every month.
I travel to a new country every year.
2. Every other + time expression
Cada otra + expresión de tiempo
I meditate every other day.
I eat breakfast every other morning.
I go for a walk every other afternoon.
I organize my calendar every other week.
I visit my parents every other month.
I travel to a new country every other year.
3. Adverbial number (once/twice) + per/a + time expression
Número adverbial (una vez/dos veces) + por/a + expresión de tiempo
I meditate once per day.
I brush my teeth twice per day.
I walk to work once a week.
I organize my calendar twice a week.
I visit my parents twice a month.
I travel to a new country once a year.
4. Cardinal number (three/four/five) + times + per/a + time expression
Número cardinal (tres/cuatro/cinco) + veces + por/a + expresión de tiempo
I meditate five times per week.
I brush my teeth three times a day.
I walk to work four times per week.
I organize my calendar four times a month.
I visit my parents five times a year.
5. Use the verb “Will” OR a verb of intention + time expression
– I will / Yo voy a…
– I hope to / Yo espero…
– I intent to / Yo tengo la intención de…
Will – “I will spend time with my family five times per week.”
Plan to –  “I plan to meditate every day.”
Intend to –  “I intend to ride my bike to work every other day.”
Want to –  “I want to respond to emails every morning at 9am.”
Hope to –  “I hope to plan my weekly meals every Sunday.”
Wish to –  “I wish to organize my calendar every other week.”
Need to –  “I need to eat a healthy meal three times a day.”

Watch the lesson to get all the details about these verbs and time expression. Don’t forget to download the lesson notes, practice activities and vocabulary. / Mira la lección para conocer todos los detalles sobre estos verbos y la expresión del tiempo. No olvides descargar los apuntes de la lección, las actividades prácticas y el vocabulario.

¡Te toca a ti! Let’s practice…

Grab a piece of paper and complete the following activities below…

Exercise 1 – Considering your Routines, Habits, and Goals: Follow the steps below…

  1. Think about some of your most consistent routines/habits. Write them down. / Piensa en algunas de tus rutinas/hábitos más constantes. Escríbelos.
  2. For each routine, think about whether it helps you achieve your goals and wishes? / Para cada rutina, piensa si te ayuda a conseguir tus objetivos y deseos.
    • Does the routine help you move forward in life?
    • Does it hold you back in some way?
  3. Now, write 3 to 5 routines/habits you will (or want to) develop that will lead to more success in your life, career, relationships, etc. Share them below in the comment section. / Ahora, escribe de 3 a 5 rutinas/hábitos que desarrollarás (o quieres desarrollar) que te llevarán a tener más éxito en tu vida, carrera, relaciones, etc. Compártelos a continuación en la sección de comentarios.
    • Optional: Divide your routines / goals into categories. For example:
      • Life
      • Relationships 
      • Career 
      • Wellbeing (spiritual, mental, physical)
      • What other categories are meaningful to your life?

Exercise 2 – Accountability Buddies

  1. For students enrolled in Intercambio (our language exchange program): Describe your goals/routines to your language partner. Consider asking if your partner will help you stay accountable by checking in about your goals/routines. / Para estudiantes inscritos en Intercambio (nuestro programa de Intercambio de idiomas): Describe tus objetivos y rutinas a tu compañero. Considera la posibilidad de pedirle que te ayude a cumplir tus objetivos y rutinas.

  1. For everyone: Find a friend, partner, family member, etc. describe your goals/routines to your chosen partner. Consider asking if they will help you stay accountable by checking in about your goals/routines. / Para todos: Busca a un amigo, compañero, familiar, etc. y descríbele tus objetivos y rutinas. Considera la posibilidad de pedirle que te ayude a mantenerte al tanto de tus objetivos y rutinas.

Want more practice? Download the lesson notes and practice activities.

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