Spanish Refrán: "En la variedad está el gusto"

Spanish Refrán: “En la variedad está el gusto”

En la variedad esta el gusto

The Spanish phrase “En la variedad está el gusto” can be literally translated as “In variety lies the pleasure.” It conveys the idea that diversity or experiencing different things makes life more enjoyable and interesting. In English, this phrase is often equivalent to the saying “Variety is the spice of life.”

Both phrases highlight that trying new things, embracing differences, and stepping outside of routines can bring more enjoyment, satisfaction, and excitement into life.

When to Use It

This refrán is commonly used to encourage someone to try something new, such as different activities, food, or experiences. It reminds us that sticking to the same old things may get boring, and it’s the variety in life that keeps it fresh and exciting.

Examples of Use:

  1. Traveling and New Experiences
    • Juan always travels to the same beach for vacation every year.
      His friend suggests: “You should visit a new place next time. En la variedad está el gusto!”
      Translation: “You should visit a new place next time. Variety is the spice of life!”
  2. Trying Different Foods
    • Alicia always orders the same dish at her favorite restaurant.
      The waiter says: “Why not try something new today? En la variedad está el gusto.”
      Translation: “Why not try something new today? Variety is the spice of life.”
  3. Exploring New Hobbies
    • Pedro spends all his free time playing video games.
      His sister suggests: “You should try a new hobby. Remember, en la variedad está el gusto!”
      Translation: “You should try a new hobby. Remember, variety is the spice of life.”

Literal Translation:

While the literal translation is “In variety lies the pleasure,” the figurative meaning is much deeper, suggesting that variety is what brings flavor, joy, and excitement to our lives, much like how adding spices makes food more flavorful.

So, whether you’re encouraging someone to step out of their comfort zone, try a new dish, or take on a new hobby, remember: En la variedad está el gusto!

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