How to give thanks in Spanish

How to give thanks in Spanish

With Thanksgiving or Acción de Gracias right around the corner, what better way to practice than learning how to give thanks in Spanish. 

This blog is all about la gratitud or thankfulness and how to express it, whether to family, friends, colleagues, or anyone really!

Here are six ways to give thanks in Spanish:

  1. Agradecer
  2. Dar las gracias
  3. Estar agradecido/a
  4. Mil gracias
  5. Gracias de todo corazón
  6. Apreciar

Let’s unpack each of these expressions to see how to use them to say thanks in Spanish.


Use the verb agradecer or to thank in the yo form (yo agradezco) and then add an indirect object pronoun like te (to you – informal), le (to usted – formal you), or les (to y’all). Let’s see an example of how to use this verb to give thanks in Spanish:

Les agradezco a todos por su apoyo y por formar parte de nuestra linda comunidad de Common Ground International.

I thank all of you for your support and for forming part of our lovely Common Ground International community.

Dar las gracias

This expression of gratitude is literally saying to give thanks in Spanish. Remember that Dar is an irregular verb in the yo form (doy). This expression can also use an indirect object pronoun to show who you are giving thanks to in Spanish.

Les damos las gracias por ser unos fieles seguidores de nuestro contenido.

We thank you all for being loyal followers of our content.

Estar agradecido/a

Use this expression of gratitude to say that you are thankful for something. Remember that since agradecido is an adjective, it must change to an ‘a’ if someone who identifies as female is the speaker.

Estoy agradecida de tener la oportunidad de conocer a estudiantes de todo el mundo.

I’m thankful for the opportunity to get to know students from around the world.

Mil gracias

In Spanish, you give a thousand thanks, not a million. Mil gracias is a simple little expression to show your gratitude in Spanish. Remember to use por after any expression of gratitude to show what you are grateful for.

¡Mil gracias por todo lo que has hecho por nosotros!

Thanks a million for everything you’ve done for us!

Gracias de todo corazón

This sweet expression of gratitude is like saying thanks from the bottom of my heart. So, if you’re feeling especially grateful for something this Thanksgiving, don’t hesitate to use Gracias de todo corazón.

Gracias de todo corazón. Sin su apoyo no sé qué hubiera hecho.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Without your support, I don’t know what I would’ve done.


The last verb is not one that means to thank, but rather to appreciate, or apreciar in Spanish. Every Thanksgiving is a chance to reflect on what’s important in life and to be grateful, so here’s my personal example of what I’d be grateful for this Thanksgiving:

Yo aprecio las pequeñas cosas en la vida y creo que todos debemos apreciar estas cosas pequeñas, sea la comida en la mesa o una cama para dormir, porque no todo el mundo las tiene.

I appreciate the small things in life and I think that we should also appreciate these small things, whether it’s food on the table or a bed to sleep in because not everyone has them.

Watch the video to learn more about using these six ways to say thank you in Spanish, and check out the special message to all of you who form part of the CGI community! ¡Mil gracias!

Want to practice these expressions of thankfulness? Download the PDF to create a thank you note in Spanish using any one or more of these great ways of expressing gratefulness!

This Thanksgiving, practice your Spanish by giving thanks! If you need more ideas, check out this blog with a an example conversation about thankfulness in Spanish.

Do you know any other ways of giving thanks in Spanish? Let us know in the comments below and give us an example of what you are grateful for!

Learn more about our current GIVING CAMPAIGN! ⬇️

If you have traveled with us on our Spanish immersion program, you know we have the opportunity to collaborate with incredible organizations that work with marginalized populations in Latin America

These nonprofits serve some of the most marginalized and neglected communities in Ecuador and Costa Rica. The local directors and staff continue to pour their time, resources, and encouragement into the lives of individuals that are breaking toxic patterns and generational cycles of abuse, neglect and poverty. During this holiday season, we have an opportunity to continue to support them from afar.

Would you consider helping us raise money for these 3 specific projects?

If you’re in, we’re in… Common Ground is matching your donation dollar for dollar to the 3 organizations we share with you in the video below!

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