Future perfect in Spanish

Just like the present perfect and the past perfect, the future perfect tense in Spanish is conjugated by using the future tense of haber as the auxiliary verb, followed by the past participle of the main verb.

  • Mi hermana habrá preparado la comida.
    • My sister will have prepared the food.


Use the following conjugations of haber for the future perfect tense.

yo habré… I will have
tú habrás… you will have
él/ella/usted habrá… he/she/you will have
nosotros habremos…  we will have
vosotros habréis… you all will  have
ellos/ellas/ustedes habrán…  they/you all will have


**Click here for a review of the past participle


The future perfect is used to talk about actions that will have occurred in the future.

  • Alicia habrá terminado con sus estudios.
    • Alicia will have finished her studies.
  • Los hijos habrán limpiado sus cuartos.
    • The children will have cleaned their rooms.

Unlike in English when the auxiliary “have” and the main verb cannot be separated in the future perfect, in Spanish, haber and the past participle must stay together.

  • Ellos ya se habrán comido para las ocho .
    • They will already have eaten by eight.
  • El gato ya habrá destruido la casa.

    • The cat will have already destroyed the house.


Since the auxiliary and main verb cannot be separated, object pronouns, as well as reflexive pronouns, must be placed before haber.

  • No te habrás despertado cuando llegue yo.

    • You will not have woken up when I arrive.
  • Ya habré conseguido el puesto.
    • I will have already gotten the job.

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