Spanish for Teachers Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences in Spanish

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Parent Teacher Conferences

Spanish for Teachers | Parent Teacher Conferences

YOU have a HUGE task…Making sure parents, students and guardians are all on the same page! It’s even harder to do it in Spanish. With this Parent Teacher Conference Spanish Course, I guarantee your effort in learning how to communicate in Spanish with your parents/guardians during conference time will bring you many steps closer to achieving that educational partnership.

There are many ways to conduct PT conferences. In this course we delve into the key vocabulary, verbs, phrases and sentence structure you need to touch upon the most important topics during conferences.

You will learn through video lessons, downloadable lesson notes and templates, practice activities, flashcards, quizzes and more to acquire the Spanish you need and to test your knowledge.

This course will give you the tools to:

  • Talk about various academic strengths and weaknesses, assessments, behaviors and study habits with your parents and guardians
  • You will be able to download Spanish vocabulary, phrases, and conference templates to use during your conferences
  • Whether you communicate perfectly or not, this course will set you up for have positive interactions with your parents/ guardians and help you all get on the same page to reach student success.

Learn more about this course in this introductory video:

Who is this course for?:

  • This Spanish course is for classroom teachers that need to quickly learn Spanish to communicate during parent/ teacher conferences to their Spanish-speaking students, families, parents and guardians.
  • This Spanish course is geared toward the teacher that has a basic knowledge of present tense verb conjugations and needs to acquire the vocabulary to execute conferences in Spanish.

Course Objectives:

This course focuses on learning real-life, relevant Spanish needed in order to communicate with parents/guardians during Parent / Teacher Conferences. The emphasis of this course is to help educators communicate effectively in Spanish with students and parents/guardians who are not fluent in English. 7 foundational lessons (and a BONUS lesson) give you the necessary grammar and vocabulary to communicate in Spanish about the following topics:

  1. Lesson 1: Beginning the conference
  2. Lesson 2: Talking about student’s strengths and weaknesses
  3. Lesson 3: Key vocabulary and Verbs to express Academic Performance
  4. Lesson 4: Academic Performance in math and literacy
  5. Lesson 5: Communicating ongoing actions – present progressive
  6. Lesson 6: Positive and Negative behavior characteristics
  7. Lesson 7: Parent Questions and Support
  8. Lesson 8: BONUS–> Putting it all together

4 Pasos: In each lesson there are 4 steps to complete the lesson:

  1. Paso 1: Download lesson notes and vocabulary lists
  2. Paso 2: Watch the lesson and take notes using the lesson notes provided
  3. Paso 3: ¡Práctica! Practice the lesson objectives in a variety of practice activities
  4. Paso 4: Application: Implement this Spanish, right now, today in your communication with students, parents and guardians

Get Started Today!

4 thoughts on “Parent Teacher Conferences in Spanish”

  1. Hi,

    I ordered the course but now I don’t understand how to start taking the course. Can you help?


    Monica Ionis

  2. This course is great for teachers wanting to have authentic conversations with parents/guardians that build relationships and support student learning. Parent/Teacher Conferences can be a busy and stressful time for teachers, but we often don’t think about how stressful it can be for parents. It is especially difficult for parents that are not fluent in English. By completing this course you will be able to do more than just greet your Spanish speaking families. I learned essential vocabulary and grammar to communicate about student behaviors and academic performance as well as what students are currently doing in my class. Being able to communicate with my students’ families has been invaluable. It allows me to help students in the best way possible at school and families can continue to support students at home. This course is definitely worth the time.

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