Complete Guide to Taking a Medical History in Spanish

Complete Guide to Taking a Medical History in Spanish

Medical History in Spanish
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This online medical history in Spanish course is a complete guide to the various histories you must discuss with your Spanish speaking patients.

In this online medical history in Spanish course you will learn how to complete the following aspects of medical histories:

  1. Patient Intake Forms in Spanish

    • While this isn’t a medical history, per se, talking through a basic intake form to gather additional information is important as you’re seeing a new patient. In this lesson, you learn vocabulary for patient demographic information, emergency contacts, insurance providers, etc.
  2. Essential numbers & Units of Measure

    • Numbers and units of measure are vitally important when collecting phone numbers, discussing dates, and giving vital signs results. In this lesson you learn how to say numbers in Spanish up to hundreds of thousands. Additionally, you learn some simple tips and tricks for understanding your patient as they rattle off information that includes numbers.
  3. General Medical History in Spanish

    • Learn how to talk through a patient’s general medical history, as well as build your vocabulary for diseases and conditions that affect the major body systems.
  4. Surgical History in Spanish

    • Learn how to talk through your patients’ past surgeries and discuss any complications and/or follow-up care they received.
  5. Social History in Spanish

    • Learn how to discuss your patient’s social history including how to address delicate topics such as sexual activity, drug and alcohol use, and personal safety in the home.
  6. Ob/Gyn History in Spanish

    • Gain a clear understanding of how to talk through menstruation, sexual activity, pregnancies, abortions and miscarriages, pap smears, mammograms, and many other topics related to your patients’ OB/GYN history in Spanish.
  7. Family Medical History in Spanish

    • In this lesson you will learn vocabulary around hereditary illnesses and family members. Additionally, you learn useful questions you can ask to assess the prevalence of these hereditary illnesses in the family.
  8. History of the Current Problem/ HPI in Spanish

    • This history of the problem lesson follows the OLDCARTS format of understanding the history of the chief complaint. Therefore, you will learn how to talk about: Onset, Location, Duration, Characteristics, Aggravating Factors, Relieving Factors, Timing, and Severity.
  9. Review of Systems (ROS) in Spanish

    • The review of systems lesson presents you with common questions and important symptoms for each body system. Questions are presented in a yes/no answer format so that the answers are easy to follow no matter what level of Spanish you’re currently at. In this lesson you will learn symptomology for the following body systems: skin, ENT, respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, renal/urinary, gynecologic, musculoskeletal, neurological, endocrine, lymphatic, emotional health, eyes, and allergies.

Each lesson in this online medical history course includes:

  1. A video lesson with downloadable notes & practice activities to follow along
  2. Vocabulary building exercises so that you can have your medical history conversations fluidly
  3. Brief mini-grammar highlights to help you expand and formulate your own specific conversations
  4. Practice quizzes that test your learning

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1 thought on “Complete Guide to Taking a Medical History in Spanish”

  1. I appreciate the eenthisiasm of the instructor. However he does not communicate with the first time user how to use this learning website. He might try having a page giving a step by step guide on how to use the learning website.

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