Intermediate MMS: Intermediate Medical Spanish Course Online

Mastering Medical Spanish Course
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This comprehensive online Medical Spanish course helps you gain a wide & deep functioning level of Medical Spanish that allows you to connect with your patients and work with them responsibly.
In this online medical Spanish course you will learn the Spanish you need from meeting and greeting your patient for the very first time to managing follow-up care.

The next session of Intermediate Mastering Medical Spanish is scheduled to run:

March 18 – May 20, 2025: Every Tuesday at 10a or 7p Mountain Time

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19 thoughts on “Intermediate MMS: Intermediate Medical Spanish Course Online”

  1. Hi Rory,
    I am interested in the MMS intermediate course at the discounted rate and the additional 10 courses especially listening comprehension one that I feel is right now my weakest in understanding what people say to me.
    I am not sure if it is lack of vocabulary versus rapid speaking that makes me not comprehend.
    What do you suggest to help improve this apart from this course?

    Also am a pediatrician with 90% Spanish speaking patients.
    Are there pediatric and mental health topics included in the course?
    Or are there other courses that you would direct me to.

    I honestly love your YouTube videos and teaching, looking at eventually doing an immersion program with my son who is in med school if possible or another buddy.

    Do you connect us with others of similar backgrounds like pediatricians etc too do immersion trips?

    1. Hey Regina, we would love to have you join MMS this spring! Listening comprehension depends heavily on range and depth of vocabulary (that’s how you distinguish one word from the next). In addition to a course like this that will build your vocabulary, I suggest finding some podcasts or shows that you like and will enjoy consuming as you also see the spanish they’re speaking: for podcasts be sure to get the transcript, for shows, turn on Spanish captions so that you can see and hear at the same time. Intermediate MMS doesn’t include specific lessons focusing only on peds or mental health, BUT I did create a mental health blog series that is completely free. Mental health blog series: (scroll to the bottom to see related mental health lessons). If you like, let’s set up a time for a call and I’d like to pick your brain on a peds series as well. And finally, of course we would love to have you and your son join us on an immersion trip when the time is right! You’ll be in classes with other providers at your level… so some will be working in peds, others not.

  2. Hi Rory,
    Are there any CME credits associated with the courses? I would like to take the Intermediate MMS (probably in the fall of this year) — just wondering if my employer would reimburse the cost (as long as there are CME credits associated with it, they will…) I have been watching your videos online – they are fantastic. Keep up the excellent work!

  3. Hi there,
    I have 2 friends and myself that are interested in you Spanish 2 class. We are all NP’s and hoping to get work to reimburse us for for 2025 Cont Ed fees. I have a few questions: 1) Do you have openings for your Jan class. 2) Can we pay in Jan as opposed to now. 3) What is the start date. 4) When are the online sessions? Thanks in advance for your guidanece.

    1. Hi Denise, thanks for the note! Yes we have openings for our spring course in 2025 (first live class is Tue Mar 18). Registering in the New Year is just fine. I’ll send you a more detailed email shortly. Cheers,

  4. Are there specific dates for when this course starts? I would like to take it in starting in April/May. I am a psychiatrist and am also wondering if there includes mental health topics.

    1. Hi Ketetha, yes our spring session (which includes live classes online in addition to the asynchronous lessons you work through on your own time) begins Tuesday March 19th. So, it’s slightly ahead of your timetable but hopefully it works for you! Feel free to schedule a call with me if you’d like to chat through anything:

  5. Hi, I am looking at signing up for a class, however how do I know what one to be put into? Whenever I’ve started learning I get bored because I know the basics of the language, so going over things like colors, clothing usted versus tu I already know.
    Thank you

  6. Hi Rory, I’m interested in the MMS course series and wondering if you can send details about the dates of the courses and how many CEs each of the courses from basic to advanced are worth. Thank you!

  7. Hello. I am interested in learning medical Spanish. I am interested in the 13 week online course but I only have a very basic understanding of Spanish. Which course do you recommend for beginners?

  8. Can you send registration information, prices etc.? My work will pay for it but I have to get all of the details to submit to them at least 1 month before the course.

    Can the lessons be accessed on our time or are they scheduled?

    1. Hey Becca, thanks for the note! Yes the lessons are available for you to view and work through on your own time. The live practice sessions are scheduled (of course) and they meet routinely on Tuesdays (morning session or evening session). We offer MMS 2x/year (February – May) & (Sept – Dec). I’ll make sure you’re on the list so you get details as we release them. Cheers,

  9. Hi Rory,
    I am logged in, but can’t access the MMS lesson. I cleared my browser in Chrome and re-started my computer, but that didn’t seem to help.

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