Classroom Management in Spanish: Using Commands with -GAR Verbs

Commands with GAR verbs in Spanish

In Spanish, classroom management often involves giving instructions to students. One important way to do this is by using commands (mandatos). Some essential verbs for managing a classroom end in -GAR, such as:

  • Llegar (to arrive)
  • Entregar (to turn in)
  • Apagar (to turn off)

These verbs follow a special spelling change when conjugated in the command form. Let’s explore how to use them!

Conjugating -GAR Verbs in Commands

When forming commands in Spanish, -GAR verbs change their spelling to maintain the hard “g” sound. This happens in the usted and negative tú forms:

  • The yo form in the present tense helps us see the change:
    • Llegar → Yo llego
    • Entregar → Yo entrego
    • Apagar → Yo apago
  • For formal (usted) commands and negative tú commands, the “g” changes to “gu” before adding the endings:
    • Llegar → Llegue (usted), No llegues (tú)
    • Entregar → Entregue (usted), No entregues (tú)
    • Apagar → Apague (usted), No apagues (tú)
  • The affirmative tú command keeps the regular ending:
    • Llega temprano. (Arrive early.)
    • Entrega la tarea. (Turn in the homework.)
    • Apaga el teléfono. (Turn off the phone.)

1. Using “Llegar” in Classroom Instructions

🔹 ¡Llega a tiempo! (Arrive on time!) [Affirmative tú]
🔹 No llegues tarde a clase. (Don’t arrive late to class.) [Negative tú]
🔹 Llegue/lleguen temprano para la reunión, por favor. (Arrive early for the meeting, please.) [Formal usted & ustedes form]

📝 Tip: Use “llegar” to talk about punctuality and expectations for students.

2. Using “Entregar” in Classroom Instructions

🔹 Entrega tu tarea antes del viernes. (Turn in your homework before Friday.) [Affirmative tú]
🔹 No entregues el examen sin tu nombre. (Don’t turn in the test without your name.) [Negative tú]
🔹 Entregue/entreguen los proyectos al final de la clase. (Turn in the projects at the end of class.) [Formal usted & ustedes form]

📝 Tip: “Entregar” is useful when giving deadlines and submission instructions.

3. Using “Apagar” in Classroom Instructions

🔹 Apaga el celular en clase. (Turn off your phone in class.) [Affirmative tú]
🔹 No apagues la computadora todavía. (Don’t turn off the computer yet.) [Negative tú]
🔹 Apague/apaguen las luces antes de salir. (Turn off the lights before leaving.) [Formal usted & ustedes form]

📝 Tip: “Apagar” is great for classroom rules related to devices and electronics.

Using -GAR verbs in commands helps maintain an organized classroom. Remember:
Tú commands: Regular for affirmative, but “gu” in negative.
Usted & ustedes commands: Always “gu” in the command form.

Try using these verbs to give clear instructions in Spanish! 😊

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