In Spanish, one of the easiest ways to give instructions or express rules in the classroom is by using the phrase “Es importante” + infinitive. This structure helps emphasize what students should do without directly telling them “you must” or “you should.”
For example:
✅ Es importante escuchar al maestro. (It’s important to listen to the teacher.)
✅ Es importante participar en clase. (It’s important to participate in class.)
But that’s not the only phrase you can use! Other similar expressions include:
- Es necesario (It’s necessary…)
- Es obligatorio (It’s mandatory…)
- Es bueno (It’s good…)
- Es recomendable (It’s recommended…)
Let’s take a look at some classroom examples!
1. Using “Es Importante” + Infinitive
This is a polite way to encourage good habits in the classroom:
🔹 Es importante hacer la tarea todos los días. (It’s important to do your homework every day.)
🔹 Es importante prestar atención en clase. (It’s important to pay attention in class.)
🔹 Es importante respetar a los compañeros. (It’s important to respect your classmates.)
2. Using “Es Obligatorio” + Infinitive
This phrase is stronger and is used for rules that must be followed:
🔹 Es obligatorio entregar los proyectos a tiempo. (It’s mandatory to turn in projects on time.)
🔹 Es obligatorio traer el uniforme escolar. (It’s mandatory to wear the school uniform.)
🔹 Es obligatorio hablar en español en clase. (It’s mandatory to speak in Spanish in class.)
3. Using “Es Necesario” + Infinitive
This phrase is similar to “es importante” but slightly stronger, often used for rules or necessary actions:
🔹 Es necesario estudiar antes de los exámenes. (It’s necessary to study before exams.)
🔹 Es necesario levantar la mano para hablar. (It’s necessary to raise your hand to speak.)
🔹 Es necesario traer los materiales a clase. (It’s necessary to bring materials to class.)
4. Using “Es Bueno” or “Es Recomendable” + Infinitive
These phrases are useful for suggestions and good practices:
🔹 Es bueno participar en clase para aprender más. (It’s good to participate in class to learn more.)
🔹 Es recomendable tomar apuntes en la lección. (It’s recommended to take notes during the lesson.)
🔹 Es bueno preguntar cuando no entiendes algo. (It’s good to ask when you don’t understand something.)
Using these expressions helps keep classroom instructions polite and clear without sounding too strict. Try using them when giving directions to students!
Do you have any other classroom phrases you’d like to learn? Let us know in the comments! 😊