Spanish for Educators – Commands & Classroom Management in Spanish

In this Spanish for Educators lesson, you will learn how to give commands in Spanish. When we think of common classroom management phrases used in the classroom, many of them are in the command form. Let’s jump in…

In this Spanish for Educator lesson you will learn:

  • Repaso de los mandatos: A review of how to form commands in Spanish
  • Instrucciones – toda la clase: Common commands when speaking to the whole class.
  • Instrucciones – en grupos : Common commands when speaking to groups

Here is the Commands and Classroom Management in Spanish lesson that I taught on YouTube and to our Facebook group:

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to see all of our lessons and get the latest videos right away!

Los Mandatos – Commands

In this section review how to form commands in the “tú” form and the “Usted” and “Ustedes” form.

Credits: Photo by National Cancer Institute

Tú Afirmativo – How to form affirmative commands in the “Tú” form

Put verb in present tense Usted form.


  • Comer—> come
  • Acomodar —> Acomoda

Tú Negativo – How to form negative commands in the “Tú” form

  1. Put verb in the present tense “YO” form
  2. Drop the -O
  3. Add the following endings:
    • AR = es
    • ER/IR = as


  • Comer–> Yo Como–> No comas – Don’t eat
  • Poner–> Yo pongo–> No pongas – Don’t put

How to form Usted / Ustedes commands

  1. Put the verb in the present tense “Yo” form
  2. Drop the -O
  3. Add the following endings:
    • AR = e / en
    • ER/IR = a /an


  • To write: Escriba (You) / Escriban (You all)
  • To read: Lea (You) / Lean (You all)

Los Mandatos Irregulares – Irregular Commands

EnglishInfinitiveSpanish (Tú)
To say / tellDecirDi
To go outSalirSal
To do / makeHacerhaz
To beSer
To goIrve
To haveTenerten
To putPonerpon
To comeVenirven

Usted / Ustedes Commands

EnglishInfinitiveUsted / Ustedes
To haveHaberHaya / Hayan
To goIrVaya / Vayan
To knowSaberSepa / Sepa
To beSerSea / Sean
To giveDarDé / Den
To beEstarEsté / Estén

Verbs ending in -CAR, -GAR, -ZAR

These verbs require spelling changes in order preserve pronunciation.

  • CAR: C changes to QU
    • tocar – no toques
  • GAR: G changes to GU
    • llegar – no llegues
  • ZAR: Z changes to C
    • Empezar – no empieces

Mandatos con pronombres – Commands with Pronouns

Affirmative commands pronouns

Ponlo Put it on
Hazlo Do it
Siéntate Sit down
LevántateGet up / stand up

Negative commands pronouns

No lo pongas Don’t put that on
No lo hagasDon’t do it
No te sientesDon’t sit down
No te levantes Don’t stand up / get up

Check out These Videos…

Irregular Spanish Verb Songs: Imperative (Informal – tú Commands)

Irregular Spanish Verb Songs: Imperative (Formal Commands)

Instrucciones para toda la clase -Instructions for the Whole Classroom

1. ¿Puedo ir al baño? – Can I go to the bathroom?

Niño agarrando fresas . Credit: Kelly Sikkema

Agarrar: to get, grab, obtain

  • Tú = Agarra el pase para ir el baño
  • Ustedes = Agarren el pase para ir el baño

2. ¿Dónde entrego la tarea? – Where do I turn in my homework?

Niño haciendo su tarea. Credits: Annie Spratt

Entregar: to turn in

  • Tú = Entrega la tarea en la canasta
  • Ustedes = Entreguen la tarea en la canasta

3. Hacer filas – Queuing up / lining up

Personas en fila. Credits: Hal Gatewood 

Ponerse: to put yourself…

  • Ponte en fila para el almuerzo
  • Pónganse en fila para el almuerzo

4. ¿Cómo actuamos cuando entramos a clase? – How do we act when we walk into class?

  • Entren a la clase y empiecen el trabajo de la mañana
  • “Hazlo ahora” – Anticipatory set
  • Cuando terminen, pueden ____

5. Think – Pair- Share

Piensa, júntate y comparte

6. Más instrucciones – More Instructions

Saquen los libros, portapapeles, carpetasTake out the books, clipboard, folders
Abran los libros, las novelas, los cuadernos en la páginaOpen the books, the novels, the notebooks on the page
LevántenseGet up
SiéntenseSit down
Miren la pizarraLook at the whiteboard
Presten atención Pay attention
Habla con tu compañero (turn & talk)Talk to your peer
Trabajen en gruposWork in groups
Expliquen lo que están pensandoExplain what you’re thinking
Trabajen independientesWork independently
Usen los detalles del textoUse the details in the text
Usen el contextoUse the context

7. Trabajo de Estaciones – Station Work

  • Es hora de rotar o roten
  • Cambien estaciones
  • Pónganse en grupos de tres

Trabajo de grupos – Work Groups

Trabajo en grupo. Credits: Santi Vedrí.
  • Get along – Llévense bien
  • Respect others – Respétense unos a otros
  • On task behavior – Enfóquense
  • Use quiet voices – Hablen en voz baja
  • Participate – Participen
  • Stay in your group – Quédense en sus grupos

We want to know…Comment below–>What are the commands you often use in your classroom. Let us know in English or Spanish in the comment section below!

¡Te toca a tí!
Your action steps:

  1. When considering these topics, what vocab. phrases do you specifically need to know?
  2. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
  3. Carve out an hour each week to watch the lesson and study
  4. Interact – We want your feedback…What was helpful? Comment in this FB group, on my blog, or on YouTube videos

Now it’s your turn! I packaged all of this vocabulary in Spanish into some flashcards for you to study.

Download the lesson notes and start creating your own sentences using this new vocabulary in Spanish and share them on the comments below or in our Facebook group to receive feedback from other Spanish learners ?

¡Arriésguense, abran la boca y cometan errores!

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