How to Say “Burned” in Spanish: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals

Burn in Spanish

As a healthcare professional, communicating effectively with Spanish-speaking patients is essential, especially when discussing medical conditions such as burns. Understanding the correct terminology and its usage can help provide clearer and more compassionate care. This blog post will teach you how to say “burned” in Spanish, explain related terms, and provide examples of how to use these words in different contexts.

Key Terms for “Burned” in Spanish

  1. Quemadura (noun): This term refers to a burn injury.
    • Example: La paciente tiene una quemadura en el brazo.
      • (The patient has a burn on her arm.)
  2. Quemado/Quemada (adjective): This term describes something or someone that has been burned. Usually we use it with the verb “estar” (to be).
    • Example: El niño está quemado por el sol.
      • (The boy is sunburned.)

Using “Burn” in Different Forms

Here are various examples to illustrate how to use “burn” in its different forms in Spanish:

Using “Quemadura” (Noun)

  • First-Degree Burn: Quemadura de primer grado
    • Example: La paciente tiene una quemadura de primer grado en la mano.
      • (The patient has a first-degree burn on her hand.)
  • Second-Degree Burn: Quemadura de segundo grado
    • Example: El niño sufrió una quemadura de segundo grado en la pierna.
      • (The boy suffered a second-degree burn on his leg.)
  • Third-Degree Burn: Quemadura de tercer grado
    • Example: El bombero tiene quemaduras de tercer grado en el pecho.
      • (The firefighter has third-degree burns on his chest.)

Using “Quemado/Quemada” (Adjective)

  • Burned by Fire: Quemado por el fuego
    • Example: El paciente está quemado por el fuego y necesita atención inmediata.
      • (The patient is burned by the fire and needs immediate attention.)
  • Sunburned: Quemado por el sol
    • Example: Está muy quemado por el sol después de pasar todo el día en la playa.
      • (He is very sunburned after spending all day at the beach.)
  • Burned Skin: Piel quemada
    • Example: Necesitamos aplicar una crema especial en la piel quemada.
      • (We need to apply a special cream to the burned skin.)

Additional Vocabulary and Phrases

To further enhance your communication with Spanish-speaking patients, here are some additional related terms and phrases:

  • Blister: Ampolla
    • Example: La quemadura ha causado varias ampollas.
      • (The burn has caused several blisters.)
  • Burn Cream: Crema para quemaduras
    • Example: Vamos a aplicar una crema para quemaduras en la zona afectada.
      • (We are going to apply a burn cream to the affected area.)

Understanding how to discuss burns in Spanish is crucial for healthcare professionals working with Spanish-speaking patients. Remember that “quemadura” is the noun for a burn injury, and “quemado/quemada” is the adjective used to describe someone or something that has been burned, usually used with the verb “estar”.

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