Essential Verbs to Describe Body Parts and Their Functions in Spanish

Verbs to Describe Body Functions in Spanish

Learning how to describe body parts and their functions is an essential skill for communicating effectively in Spanish, especially in medical, educational, or conversational contexts. Spanish offers a variety of useful verbs to express actions related to the body. Below, we explore four key verbs—almacenar, proteger, quitar, and digerir—and how they can be used to describe the body and its functions.

1. Almacenar (To store)

The verb almacenar refers to the action of storing or keeping something. In the human body, it’s often used to describe how organs retain substances or energy.


  • El hígado almacena vitaminas y minerales esenciales.
    (The liver stores essential vitamins and minerals.)
  • La grasa corporal almacena energía para cuando el cuerpo la necesite.
    (Body fat stores energy for when the body needs it.)

2. Proteger (To protect)

The verb proteger means to shield or safeguard something. It’s commonly used to describe the body’s mechanisms or structures that defend against harm or external threats.


  • La piel protege el cuerpo de infecciones y lesiones.
    (The skin protects the body from infections and injuries.)
  • Los glóbulos blancos protegen el organismo contra enfermedades.
    (White blood cells protect the body against diseases.)

3. Quitar (To remove)

The verb quitar is used to describe the removal of something. In the context of the body, it can refer to actions such as eliminating substances or relieving symptoms.


  • Los riñones quitan las toxinas de la sangre.
    (The kidneys remove toxins from the blood.)
  • Este medicamento puede ayudar a quitar el dolor de cabeza.
    (This medication can help remove the headache.)

4. Digerir (To digest)

The verb digerir describes the process of breaking down food so the body can absorb nutrients. It’s most commonly associated with the digestive system.


  • El estómago digiere los alimentos con ayuda de los jugos gástricos.
    (The stomach digests food with the help of gastric juices.)
  • El sistema digestivo necesita tiempo para digerir comidas ricas en grasa.
    (The digestive system needs time to digest fatty meals.)

Additional Verbs to Consider

  • Respirar (To breathe): Los pulmones permiten al cuerpo respirar oxígeno y liberar dióxido de carbono. (The lungs allow the body to breathe oxygen and release carbon dioxide.)
  • Filtrar (To filter): Los riñones filtran los desechos de la sangre. (The kidneys filter waste from the blood.)
  • Circular (To circulate): El corazón circula la sangre por todo el cuerpo. (The heart circulates blood throughout the body.)

Practical Usage in Sentences

  1. El cuerpo humano almacena energía en forma de glucógeno en los músculos y el hígado.
    (The human body stores energy as glycogen in the muscles and liver.)
  2. Las pestañas protegen los ojos del polvo y otras partículas.
    (Eyelashes protect the eyes from dust and other particles.)
  3. Beber suficiente agua ayuda a quitar las toxinas del cuerpo.
    (Drinking enough water helps remove toxins from the body.)
  4. Comer despacio facilita que el estómago digiera los alimentos.
    (Eating slowly helps the stomach digest food.)

Why Are These Verbs Important?

Understanding verbs like almacenar, proteger, quitar, and digerir allows you to explain body functions accurately and clearly. These verbs are not only practical for medical or scientific discussions but also enrich your everyday Spanish vocabulary.

Which of these verbs do you think you’ll use most often? Practice them in sentences and share your examples!

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