Understanding the Difference Between Pedir and Preguntar in Spanish

Preguntar vs pedir in Spanish

In Spanish, the verbs pedir and preguntar may seem similar because they both involve asking, but they are used in different contexts. Let’s explore their differences, along with examples and translations to help you master these verbs!

Pedir: To Ask for Something or Request

Pedir is used when you are asking for something or making a request. This can involve asking for an object, favor, service, or permission. Think of pedir as meaning “to request” or “to ask for.”


  1. Pedir ayuda
    • Voy a pedir ayuda al profesor.
      (“I’m going to ask the teacher for help.”)
  2. Pedir comida
    • Ella quiere pedir una pizza para la cena.
      (“She wants to order a pizza for dinner.”)
  3. Pedir perdón
    • Debes pedir perdón si cometes un error.
      (“You should apologize (ask for forgiveness) if you make a mistake.”)

In each of these examples, pedir is used because you’re requesting something: help, food, or forgiveness.

Preguntar: To Ask a Question or Inquire

Preguntar is used when you are asking a question, inquiring about something, or seeking information. It corresponds to “to ask” in the sense of asking for information.


  1. Preguntar la hora
    • Voy a preguntar la hora al conductor.
      (“I’m going to ask the driver what time it is.”)
  2. Preguntar sobre el examen
    • Ella necesita preguntar sobre el examen final.
      (“She needs to ask about the final exam.”)
  3. Preguntar por alguien
    • Alguien vino a preguntar por ti.
      (“Someone came to ask for you.”)

In these examples, preguntar is used because you are asking a question or inquiring about something.

Key Differences in Usage

  • Use pedir when you’re requesting an item, favor, or action.
    • Examples: pedir ayuda, pedir comida, pedir permiso.
  • Use preguntar when you’re seeking information or asking a question.
    • Examples: preguntar la hora, preguntar una dirección, preguntar sobre un tema.

Additional Examples for Practice

  1. Pedir
    • Voy a pedir una recomendación en el restaurante.
      (“I’m going to ask for a recommendation at the restaurant.”)
  2. Preguntar
    • Quiero preguntar si tienen opciones vegetarianas.
      (“I want to ask if they have vegetarian options.”)

By understanding these differences, you’ll be able to use pedir and preguntar accurately in various situations. Remember, pedir is for requests, and preguntar is for questions.

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