Using direct and indirect object pronouns in Spanish is a way to be more efficient with your language.
However, it can get complicated. In this introductory course, you will learn how to understand and use both direct and indirect object pronouns in Spanish.
In this course, You will learn how to communicate effectively using these grammar concepts.
Lesson 1 – How to use direct object pronouns with verbs
Lesson 2 – How to use indirect object pronouns with verbs
Lesson 3 – Using direct and indirect object pronouns together.
How does this class work?
This is a 6 week hybrid class: Your first step is to watch the videos and practice exercises in each lesson, your second step is to show up to our live Zoom workshop practice session. Lessons will open 1 week before the live Zoom session. You will have 1 week to complete the lesson and practice activities before you show up for the live Zoom class.
Complete these steps in each lesson:
PASO 1: Watch the video lessons, take notes, complete the practice activities
PASO 2: Show up for the Zoom practice session
PASO 3: Complete the additional homework
The class schedule is as follows:
Lesson 1 – Opens Oct. 31: Los complementos directos
You have 1 week to watch the video lesson and complete the practice activities BEFORE attending the live practice session. In this lesson, you will learn:
- How NOT to use them
- ¿Qué es un complemento directo?
- ¿Qué son los pronombres de los complementos directos?
- ¿Cómo los usan y dónde los pone en las frases?
- 3 considerations as you substitute the pronoun for the direct object
Zoom Class 1 – Nov. 7 @5pm PT, 6pm MT, 7pm CT, 8pm ET
We will practice content from lesson 1: Learning how to use los complementos directos. In this live session you will have an opportunity to reinforce and use the Spanish that you’ve been learning in these lessons.
Lesson 2 – Opens Nov. 14: Los Complementos Indirectos
You have 1 week to watch the video lesson and complete the practice activities BEFORE attending the live practice session. In this lesson, you will learn:
- ¿Qué es un complemento indirecto?
- ¿Qué son los pronombres de los complementos indirectos?
- ¿Cómo los usan y dónde los pone en las frases?
- What to do with the verb Gustar?!
- 3 considerations as you substitute the pronoun for the indirect object
- How NOT to use them
Zoom Class 2 – Nov. 21 @5pm PT, 6pm MT, 7pm CT, 8pm ET
We will practice content from lesson 2: Los Complementos Indirectos. In this live session you will have an opportunity to reinforce and use the Spanish that you’ve been learning in these lessons.
Lesson 3 – Opens Nov. 28: Double Object Pronouns
You have 1 week to watch the video lesson and complete the practice activities BEFORE attending the live practice session. In this lesson, you will learn:
- How to ID the sentence
- How and when to use double object pronouns
- Some common mistakes to avoid when using both
Zoom Class 3 – Dec. 12. @5pm PT, 6pm MT, 7pm CT, 8pm ET
We will practice content from lesson 3: Double Object Pronouns. In this live session you will have an opportunity to reinforce and use the Spanish that you’ve been learning in these lessons.
Who is this class ideal for?
The ideal student has studied Spanish before and has a working knowledge of present tense verbs and knows how to conjugate them. You are also able to communicate in the present tense and can form and express sentences.
If you have more questions about whether or not this workshop is a good fit for you, please email Leslie at Lfoster@commongroundinternational.com
Click on the lesson below to get started
I was unable to access this replay, and not sure why. I attended it and was hoping to go back and review it.
¡Hola Ryan! ¿Cómo estás? Are you able to access the replay now? You should be able to watch it, I’m also sending you an email with the direct links to the workshop, please let us know if you’re having any issues.