Essential School Supplies Vocabulary in Spanish

Essential School Supplies Vocabulary in Spanish

School Supplies in Spaish

When learning Spanish, especially if you’re interested in education or helping children with school, knowing the main vocabulary for school supplies is invaluable. Here’s a handy list of commonly used school supplies in Spanish, along with their English translations. This list will cover everything from basics like pencils and erasers to more specific items like binders and highlighters.

Common School Supplies Vocabulary

  1. Lápiz – Pencil
    • Example: Necesito un lápiz para escribir. (I need a pencil to write.)
  2. Bolígrafo / Pluma – Pen
    • Example: La pluma está sobre el escritorio. (The pen is on the desk.)
  3. Cuaderno – Notebook
    • Example: El cuaderno de matemáticas está lleno. (The math notebook is full.)
  4. Libro – Book
    • Example: Los libros están en la mochila. (The books are in the backpack.)
  5. Mochila – Backpack
    • Example: No olvides tu mochila antes de salir. (Don’t forget your backpack before leaving.)
  6. Borrador / Goma – Eraser
    • Example: Usa el borrador para corregir tus errores. (Use the eraser to correct your mistakes.)
  7. Sacapuntas – Pencil sharpener
    • Example: El sacapuntas está en la mesa. (The pencil sharpener is on the table.)
  8. Regla – Ruler
    • Example: Mide el papel con la regla. (Measure the paper with the ruler.)
  9. Tijeras – Scissors
    • Example: Las tijeras están en el cajón. (The scissors are in the drawer.)
  10. Pegamento / Goma de pegar – Glue
    • Example: Necesito pegamento para el proyecto. (I need glue for the project.)
  11. Marcador – Marker
    • Example: Usa el marcador para resaltar el texto. (Use the marker to highlight the text.)
  12. Carpeta – Folder
    • Example: Pon los papeles en la carpeta. (Put the papers in the folder.)
  13. Calculadora – Calculator
    • Example: La calculadora está en mi mochila. (The calculator is in my backpack.)
  14. Lápices de colores – Colored pencils
    • Example: Me gusta usar lápices de colores para los dibujos. (I like to use colored pencils for drawings.)
  15. Resaltador / Marcatextos – Highlighter
    • Example: Usa el marcatextos amarillo para destacar. (Use the yellow highlighter to highlight.)
  16. Agenda – Planner
    • Example: Apunta tus tareas en la agenda. (Write your assignments in the planner.)
  17. Estuche – Pencil case
    • Example: El estuche está lleno de bolígrafos y lápices. (The pencil case is full of pens and pencils.)
  18. Papel – Paper
    • Example: Necesito más papel para mis notas. (I need more paper for my notes.)
  19. Hoja de papel – Sheet of paper
    • Example: Dame una hoja de papel, por favor. (Give me a sheet of paper, please.)
  20. Compás – Compass
    • Example: El compás es útil en la clase de geometría. (The compass is useful in geometry class.)
  21. Engrapadora / grapadora – Stapler
    • Example: La engrapadora está en el escritorio. (The stapler is on the desk.)
  22. Clips – Paper clips
    • Example: Usa los clips para juntar los papeles. (Use the paper clips to group the papers.)
  23. Notas adhesivas – Sticky notes
    • Example: Escribe un recordatorio en las notas adhesivas. (Write a reminder on the sticky notes.)
  24. Pizarrón / Pizarra – Chalkboard/Whiteboard
    • Example: Escribe en el pizarrón para toda la clase. (Write on the chalkboard for the whole class.)
  25. Tiza / gis – Chalk
    • Example: La tiza blanca se usa en el pizarrón. (White chalk is used on the chalkboard.)

Regional Variations

  • Pluma vs. Bolígrafo: In some countries, such as Mexico, “pluma” is more commonly used than “bolígrafo.”
  • Borrador vs. Goma:Goma” is often used in Spain, while “borrador” is common in Latin America.
  • Pizarrón vs. Pizarra: In Mexico and other Latin American countries, “pizarrón” is used, while in Spain, “pizarra” is more typical.

This list covers essential school supplies in Spanish, making it easy to identify common items in classrooms or stores. Knowing these terms is not only practical for students but also for teachers and parents!

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